
Friday, December 28, 2007


... for a pretty girl.

Hi, folks - Simi here again!

I thought I'd just drop in between feste to let you know that I'm having buone feste too! Santa Paws came just as my Mummy promised he would and he brought me some new toys to eat - I mean "play with" [she's watching!] - and I have had lots of foodie presies.

Mummy is out a lot more these days and I didn't understand at first when she said she was off to the "centesimi kennel". Then I worked out it must be similar to the "penny kennel" she used to go to every day in Britain. Oh, well, if it means she can buy me more deli-bons [my favourite Italian treats] I suppose I will allow it. I don't think many of the centesimi end up in the "banking kennel" along the road, though, as she keeps coming back with new bags! It's funny but I seem to be getting more walkies since this development as she rushes home between classes to take me out! - That's 'cos I'm good at looking cute and making her feel guilty [hee-hee!]

I've decided I quite like this new bed, a Xmas present from my friend Mr Enzo's doggie-grooming-shop. Its colours set off my fur, don't you think? And I can snuggle up in it while I let Mummy use the computer and check what she's doing, for a doggie-girl never knows what her human might get up to!

Happy New Year to all my readers, especially my blog-doggy pals Mr Bowser [he's one of my suitors, you know] la bella Belle, Mojo il magnifico and gorgeous George! Auguri from Simi X


  1. Well, Simi, there does obviously remain nothing to wish but "il pace della notte". :)

  2. Miss Simi, you'll be wanting your own computer next, even your own blog, like those cats I see in Photo Hunt.

    That bed looks very comfortable and it is RED, my favourite colour.

    Happy New Year to you and your Mum Miss Simi.

  3. Damn that looks cosy
    Have a Happy New Year both

  4. Esteemed Mistress Simi, little did a Fellow know when his Eye first alighted on your Radiant Beauty that he would have the Privelige of Kind Words for All to see. I send Greetings for a Happy New Year, full of Walks and Delibons, to you and your Gentle Human, and Have the Honour Madame, to Remain, your humble Servant, Bowser

  5. Simi says: "Grazie, zio Sean". "Now those are good ideas, Auntie jmb! I can tell you are a woman of taste as you like red, too! Buon Anno!"
    Thanks, Deejay. Happy New Year to you, too.

    Simi says: "Mr Bowser, your elegant prose could turn a girl's head! Happy New Year to you and your humans."
    Hi, JJ. I'm not daft or anything!

  6. Very smart bed for a beautiful lady. I hope you enjoy it for a long time Simi.

  7. ...very beautiful bed for a beautiful girl :) the colours set off your fur definately! I think you need a doggie laptop tho Simi so you don't have to wait to post a blog entry ;) kyles

  8. And a happy new year to you too, Simi. (I haven't learned to type yet so Mum is doing it for me.) I am getting too big for my bed - I have already outgrown my puppy collar! - so mum said she will ask dad to get a big bed down from the attic. I think you look lovely in your new bed, and I'm glad your mummy is giving you plenty of walks. I'm still not sure yet how much I like walks but I expect I will like them when I am bigger.
    Love George xx

  9. Simi, I think you lend a whole new meaning to the term 'dogs life'

    I take it you are on of those dogs that can take the squeak from a squeaky toy in less than five minutes...

  10. Simi: My Mama has allowed me to send you a seasonal "Pussie Post".
    All I got for Christmas was a fluffy toy mouse, for heavens sake, I`ve got a whole family of them living underneath my Garden Shed! When, occasionally, I should bring one into my house for tea, all hell breaks loose, with my Parents running around like Lunatics, trying to make me drop it. You know Simi, some Parents are so unappreciative of their Children`s efforts !
    Just off for another snooze. Princess Chloe, the most pampered Puss in the Universe. xxx.

    P.S. I had a visit from my new Nephew Rocco the Pug Pup wearing a red sweater, if you don`t mind, What a wuzz !
    Will tell youmore next time we chat
    Lots of Purrs zzzzzzzzznng.
    P.S. Mama Di has changed her name to Trubes and has posted a new message to your Mama on her new Trubes Site.
    Happy New Year xxx

  11. Happy New Year Simi, and to the Boss too!

  12. Simi says: "Thank you, auntie Dragonstar! Ooh, Kyles, you know how to talk to a doggie-girl! My own laptop - now you've got me thinking! Hi, young George. You are a very clever boy to have dictated this to your Mummy. I'm sure you will enjoy walks when you are a bit bigger - you might meet some girlie dogs like me! Buon Anno, Giorgio! Hi, Uncle Crushed. Oh, I can do it faster then that! Hi, Chloe. What a clever cat you are! It was very nice of your Mummy to let you write to me! I know just what you mean about parents. My Mummy goes crazy whenever I helpfully dig up a houseplant! How nice to know that you've got a nephew with an Italian name! My Mummy says she'll be over to your Mummy's blog later. Buon Anno! Thank you, Uncle Shades. I'll tell my Mummy. She only thinks she's the boss - heehee! Buon Anno to you, too!"

  13. Hi, Matt. I will email you shortly.
