
Saturday, December 29, 2007


The shutters rattled all night as it thundered, hailed and rained and a storm always sounds worse than it is from indoors, here. Today it has continued to rain incessantly but look what I found, defiantly raising their dainty heads in an unlikely and neglected corner of the street, despite the weather. They give me hope.

I have, rather rashly, invited about 20 of the amici to a "Christmas Tea" tomorrow. I hate making cakes and "tea party" food - I would rather cook a 10-course dinner banquet - but, as I can't sit 20 people at a time for dinner and do not have time to invite each group around on separate evenings, a "come and go as you please" tea seems the best option as I must do SOME entertaining of my own!

Partly because of the weather and partly because I needed to go to two out-of-the-way supermarkets, I again hired a taxi to get my errands done quickly this morning. Some of you may remember that last time, when I wanted a taxi for 9 am, I rang the driver the day before and he said "OK, 10.30 am." So this time I asked if the taxi could come at 11 am, and, true to form, he declared, "OK, 9 am". On the way, I explained that I was buying ingredients to cook for a "tea party" and he asked, "Is it true that the English have tea at 5pm?" When I said, "Yes, sometimes" he threw back his head and roared with laughter as he seemed to find this idea incredibly funny.

Well, I'm off now to start my cooking marathon. Back in the early hours, I expect.


  1. We had thunder in Ireland overnight, too. What lovely dainty flowers to survive the downpour.
    Blwydden Newydd Dda!

  2. Sometimes I think such dainty bits of nature are symbolic too. Trample and crush their stems and magically within 5 mins their standing back up tall again!! What could be more symbolic than that!!

    PS please can you post another picture of Simi he looks really entertaining

  3. did I say he? she!!

  4. Well, tea-time at 5 o'clock is funny!
    I use to have it at 4 clock GMT. :)))

    To be even more serious: We are having strong wind for the past 36 hours, but almost no rain. Very strange.
    As for "wonders of nature": In neighbour's garden there is still blooming a yellow rose.
    Enjoy your cooking, Welsh; and may your guests enjoy its results. :)

  5. Enjoy your baking...I got a new silicon muffin tray for christmas cannot wait to try it out

  6. Anonymous1:01 am

    I shall be there at about 4, and I am bringing two bottles of Gordons gin... is that ok?

  7. I'm baaaack! I enjoyed a lovely Baileys on the rocks last night after a harrowing day at the hospital. Enjoy your "tea" - I know you'll show your amici the lovely British custom of tea time. I'm having a big mug of it as I type this. There's nothing like a cup of tea to soothe the body and soul.

  8. Hope you have a ball Welshcakes!

  9. I hope you had a grand time yesterday. Lovely flowers...they inspire me!

    We are headed to the beach on the first morning of 2008 to watch the sun come up over our town come he££ or high water. What are your plans??

  10. I'm sure it was a lot of fun, WL. Have a fine 2008!

  11. I have coffee/tea about eight times a day.

    I think we are a nation of caffeine drinkers, I certainly cannot imagine going without a hot drink when I get up, when I get in, or after a meal.

  12. Just popped over from Nobody Important's blog. Your name 'Welshcakes' intrigued me. My father was welsh from Tondu. My grandmother used to make me welshcakes when I was a child. Best wishes for the new year.
    Vic Grace

    Cariboo Ponderer

  13. Happy New Year, Welsh! I hope 2008 is a great and wonderful year for you. :)

  14. Buon Anno WL - may all your wishes come true!

  15. Ciao, Dragonstar. Still pouring here. Has it stopped over there? T%hanks for your good wishes and Buon Anno to you. Ciao, Gleds. Yes, I think they are symbolic. Such brave little flowers! Yes, I will post another Simi pic soon. She says she's glad you remembered she's a she! Buon anno from both of us, Gleds. Hi, Sean. I suppose it is, really! I do love yellow roses. Buon Anno, Sean. Hi, Sally. Is that a Lakeland one? I'd love one of those. Happy New Year to you. Hi, Mutley. The gin sounds a much better idea than the tea! Could have done with you there... Buon anno. Hi, Leslie. I was worried about you. Thanks for your good wishes. Will be posting on the tea party shortly and will be over to you then. Meanwhile, here's hoping you have a much better year. Thanks, Abbey. Happy New Year. Hi, Sahron. The beach sounds a grand idea. My plans are to sleep!! Buon anno to you from Modica. nice to hear from you, td, and thank you. Happy New Year. Ciao, Crushed. I think you're rihght. There's no such thing as a leisurely cup of coffee here - very small espresso portions taken on the go throughout the day. Buon Anno to you. Lovely to meet you, ponderer. What a small world it is and how nice that you remember welshcakes! Happy New Year from Sicily. Ciao, Lee. Buon Anno yo you, too. Grazie, WW - e altrettanto.

  16. I hope it all went well, I'm sure you need the rain in Sicily.
