
Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas Day at 12 noon and it was off to Linda and Gino's, where the same company as a few hours before reassembled, along with even more friends. Daughter of the house Chiara always comes up with original table decorations and this year she used black and white photographs of everyone as place cards. Above you see mine. The food images show: individual vegetable pies as antipasti; lasagne; sausage; chicken with stuffing; rabbit [I like this idea of garnishing it with pomegranate seeds]; pork and turkey. There were accompaniments of potato purée, roast potatoes, prunes in Calvados and garden salads. Oh, and I was the purveyor of homemade cranberry sauce! After all that meat, I don't know how we found room for the panettone at the end, but somehow, we did! Then came the toasts - to the food! "Brindiamo agli antipasti!" ["Let's toast the antipasti!"] cried one guest, so we all did. "Brindiamo alla pasta!" cried another and we followed suit. And on it went, till each dish on the menu had been duly celebrated. Even the cranberry sauce was toasted, I am glad to say.

When Gino drove me home, at around 5pm, there was a whole group of men standing at the gate. At first I thought there must be something wrong in the apartment block and started to panic for Simi, but then saw that it was only the neighbourhood men who had come outside for a smoke and an afternoon gossip. Reader, I was embraced by every one of them!


  1. It looks absolutely delicious. I particularly like the little photos of each guest where they are to sit. Super!

    Hope you had a wonderful wonderful Christmas Day. :)

  2. So glad you had a wonderful celebration! And all that food - wow! No wonder you got a ride home. lol

  3. its a wonder you could still walk after toasting all that wonderful looking food...

  4. Ciao, Beaman. Yes, the photos are a great idea, I think. I did, thank you and best wishes to you for the remaining festivities. Thanks, Leslie. I sure needed the ride! Ciao, Sally. I don't think I could have walked! Auguri a tutti.

  5. The chicken looks to be rolled up, a bit like sausages. Was it prepared that way

    It does all look very nice. I'm sorry to say, I didn't eat anything exciting at all this year, because by the time I got to my Mum's, they'd eaten.

  6. I hope everyone has good kidneys, for there is a lot of protein there. Trust the ex medical professional to think of that!
    Sounds like you had a lovely day Welshcakes and lots of hugs to finish it off. Perfect.

  7. That is good.

    Hang on I have a phrase for you...

    Felice anno nuovo!

    haha :-) !!

  8. Ecco altri miei commento: belissima!

  9. Hi, Crushed. Yes, it was probably prepared that way - the whole bird is rarely roasted here. Sorry you missed out on the food! good point,jmb. I don't suppose anyone thought of that! Well done, Gleds. Auguri anche a te. Auguroni, WW.

  10. It sounds magnificant...glad you had a beautiful day...x

  11. All I can say is, lucky you to have such great and hospitable friends. I went to a party the other night and they had a vodka fountain, do they have those in Sicily too?

  12. Hi, Ellee. Yes, I am fortunate indeed in my friends. No, they don't go in for fountains liek that. Do you have a photo of it? Buon anno, btw x
