
Friday, November 16, 2007


I've been writing a promotional leaflet, in both languages [as it is fashionable to advertise in English] for Raffaele the hairdresser. He asked me to approach it from a personal point of view and this is what I've come up with:


Two countries but only one hairdresser for me!

It was during a visit to Modica in 1994 that a friend took me to Raffaele Falco’s Yellow salon in the via Sacro Cuore. Raffaele took one look at me and knew exactly how to style my hair and I knew, at that moment, that I had found a maestro who understands that a woman’s hair has to suit her face, her clothes, perhaps a particular occasion and, above all, her personality. I went back to Raffaele every time I came to Modica and for many years I tried to persuade him to open a branch in Britain. Finally, in 2005, realising that the hairdresser was not going to move to Britain, the British lady decided to move to Modica!

Raffaele decided to become a lady’s hairdresser at the age of 20 and served his apprenticeship locally. After attending various training sessions run by l'Oréal [Turin] he opened a salon in the Sorda district of Modica, transferring to larger premises in 1994. Housed in the via Sacro Cuore’s elegant “glass building” , the spacious and equally elegant salon is the essential meeting place for women who know that to “feel good you have to look good” and that looking good starts with your hair.

Never content to stand still, Raffaele has always continued to attend courses on new techniques, first at the International School of Paris, then at Aldo Coppola’s A.c. Quality [Milan] [diploma] and, more recently, at Toni & Guy. Raffaele has also styled models’ hair during Fashion Weeks.

Raffaele has a young and enthusiastic team who contribute much to the vibrant, happy atmosphere of the salon and who hope to follow in the footsteps of their talented maestro.

The British lady, like her modicane fellow-clients, always feels more relaxed, elegant and confident after a visit to Yellow di Raffaele Falco.

Raffaele looks forward to welcoming you all at Yellow soon.


Due Paesi ma un solo parrucchiere per me!

Durante una visita a Modica nel 1994 un’amica mi ha accompagnata dalla sala Yellow di Raffaele Falco in via Sacro Cuore. Raffaele mi ha dato un’occhiata e ha saputo esattamente come acconciarmi i capelli. Io, invece, ho saputo in quel momento che avevo trovato un maestro che capisce che i capelli di una donna dovrebbero abbellire la faccia e i vestiti , essere, a volte, adatti ad un avvenimento particolare e, soprattutto, alla sua personalità. Durante tutte le mie altre visite a Modica, tornavo da Raffale e, per molti anni, ho provato a convincerlo ad aprire un succursale in Gran Bretagna. Finalmente, avendo capito che il parrucchiere non era in grado di trasferirsi in Gran Bretagna, la signora inglese ha deciso di spostarsi a Modica!

Raffaele ha deciso di diventare parrucchiere all’ago di 20 anni e ha fatto il suo apprendistato da un maestro locale. Dopo aver frequentato vari corsi di formazione presso l’Oréal di Torino ha aperto una sala nella zona della Sorda a Modica, trasfirendosi in un salone più grande nel 1994. Situata nel “palazzo di vetro” in via Sacro Cuore, la sala spaziosa e elegantissima è il punto di riferimento per tutte le donne che conoscono l’importanza di “vedersi bene per sentirsi meglio” e che “vedersi bene” comincia con l’acconciatura.

Mai contento di fermarsi, Raffaele ha sempre frequentato corsi tecnico-artistici, prima dall’ International School of Paris, poi ha conseguito diplomi di A.c. Quality presso l’Accademia milanese di Aldo Coppola, e ultimamente ha partecipato ai meeting presso Toni & Guy. Raffaele ha anche preso parte ai back-stage durante le collezioni.

Raffaele è collaborato da un team di giovani che contribuiscono molto all’atmosfera vibrante e felice della sala e che sperano seguire il loro maestro pieno di talento.

La signora inglese, come tutte le clienti modicane, si sente sempre più rilassata, elegante e sicura di sé dopo una visita da Yellow di Raffaele Falco.

Vieni a scoprire tutto ciò....


  1. What a nice story... why "Yellow"? I may have missed something there; he should be a happy hairdresser with a recommendation like that. I think that every time I have found a hairdresser I love, they have all ended up going away - Australia, India , whereever. My latest went off on a year's travel, starting in South America; she promised me she would come back, but I'm still waiting (I now have shoulder-length hair..)

  2. Hi, janejill. I asked him about "Yellow" some time ago and he said that when he first opened a salon, there was another hairdresser called Raffaele in Modica. The decor in Raff's new salon was yellow, so he called the salon that. Personally I think he just likes the English word! I know - it's a pain when you find a good hairdresser and then they go and leave you!

  3. So.
    Let's get this straight.

    Your country of abode boils down to....your hairdresser???

  4. Jackie O had nothing on me, Crushed!

  5. Well that sounds very good to me. Let's hope it brings him some new clients. But he'd better still have time for you!

  6. Hi, jmb. He'd better indeed!

  7. Nope! He's safely married and I don't fool around with married men.
