
Friday, November 16, 2007


After a disturbed night of thunder and lightning, I fell down outside my favourite place - the Post Office - on my way out this morning. As you can see, part of the pavement is broken and it had got very slippery in the rain. I was down before I realised what was happening and was so momentarily stunned that I forgot to swear! I think I knocked my head [it's hard to tell when you are going dotty anyway] and I certainly bumped my bum! Usually the street is full of people but, because of the weather, there was nobody around, so I could have done with Mutley to literally haul me out of the gutter! Thank goodness I wasn't with Simi [my dog]. You feel such a fool when you fall as an adult - it's so inelegant, for one thing.

A friend of mine had a much nastier fall on a pedestrian crossing here in February: presumably because the sun fades the paint, the Comune have started laying crossings which are made of plastic sheeting. The trouble with these is that after a while they start to crumple up. They, too, get very slippery.

The worst fall I've had in recent years was in 2002 back in Cardiff: I had not long got home from a meeting at work, and was rushing to vacuum the carpet on the spiral stairs as I was expecting visitors [why else would I vacuum the stairs?!] In my hurry, I got my foot caught in the wire whilst carrying the machine down and ended up in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. It was a while before I came to and when I did get up I was shaking. It was 9pm and the man in my life at the time and I were splitting up. I didn't feel I could call him. The only person I thought I could call was my next-door neighbour, Liz, who is a nurse, but her phone was engaged. I banged on the wall with a book but, she told me later, she thought I was hammering a nail into the wall! "But this is impractical me!" I exclaimed: "Why would I do that, especially at 9pm?" Then my visitors, whom I didn't know well, turned up and, although I told them what had happened, they just sat there and I couldn't wait for them to go - I was in pain by this time - so that I could get around to Liz's for some advice and sympathy. Actually I'd have quite liked it if the woman visitor had offered to make me a hot drink; I wasn't up to doing it for myself. Eventually they left and I got myself around to Liz's, who was horrified by my bruises. In Casualty the next day I found out I'd cracked my shoulder and broken the little finger of my left hand.

I am telling you this, I suppose, to try and explain what it's like, sometimes, on your own: I have friends here who would come running if I were to ask but I wouldn't bother them just because I'm achey and feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes all you want is for someone, without your asking them, to put their arm around you and make you a cup of tea. That's all I wanted that night back in 2002; it's all I want now.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear that you fell - at least nothing is broken this time! Take care...

  2. Welshcakes - what a shame ; I felt sad reading this as I can imagine just how shocked and upset you must have been. hope you dumped the "frineds" I wish I could have been there for you; it is such a shock and so painful, especially when your relationship was breaking up. I have had several falls too, one of which meant I fractured my spine; the medics were a bit blase, and told me off for shouting when they turned me over for the Xray. They changed after viewing it. I still have a bump, poor me...... Huge big HUG xxx

  3. Thank you for visiting and for your kind comment, johnfromporto. Thank you, too, janejill. I needed the hug! Sorry you had such an awful fall. Did you fully recover? Auguri x

  4. "Sometimes all you want is for someone, without your asking them, to put their arm around you and make you a cup of tea."

    Thats just how i feel now... !

  5. Hi, Sally. We understand one another in that.

  6. That is important. The friends who will come round and hunt you down if you won't answer their calls.

    the friends who won't let you opt for lonely misery- they will MAKE you smile.

    And of course, you love them for it.

  7. Quite right, Crushed - they are VERY important.

  8. Welshcakes, sending you a big hug and a virtual cup of tea.
    I hope you are feeling better soon. That dratted Post Office.

  9. Many thanks, jmb. Yes, I'm blaming it on the Post Office!

  10. Hope your doing ok Welshcakes...I too am on my own and going down the outside stairs, I tripped on my dog, land hard on my hip...I couldnt do anything but lay there for a while then slowly get up (straight for the

    It was the first time that it hit me how vulnerable you can be on your own...and that older ladies fall like that and break a hip...
    It was a very sobering moment...

    We have a service here, more for when your older, that somone will call you each morning...if you dont answer the police will check...

    Mind you if it was here, someone would sue the post office...its almost the done thing now a days...

    Rest up and get better...x

  11. Ciao, Abbey. Yes, it makes you feel vulnerable. Did you recover completely from your own nasty fall? That sounds like a good system you have there. I'm going to write to the Comune about that pavement!

  12. Here are my cyber arms - pity they're so late but it's always been the story of my life.

  13. Thank you, James. I'll fall into your cyber arms any time you like! x

  14. Oh dear, welshcakes, that sounds nasty. you're right: it's so embarrassing falling when you're on your own!. Although I remember being on a walk with friends and Harvey, and he knocked me over. I got up and was in agony but felt I couldn't say anything - though maybe that says more about the 'friends' I was with! I hope the bruise came out and that you're feeling better now.

  15. Thanks, Liz. Yes, you feel so undignified! That does say something about the friends you were with, though. I have an enormous bruise but feel better!

  16. Poor you, WL! Take care. Maybe a shot of your Christmas Pudding vodka could be a restorative?

  17. Thanks, WW. I haven't started making it yet. Got to wait till I bottle the quince to make room to do it. So it's g&t at the moment!

  18. I do hope your bruises have healed. It is a pity you cannot feel the love over the WWW. I think someday your Prince will come. Could it be Prince James?

  19. Hi, MM. Bruise is going down a bit now. Thank you - you are very kind. Don't scare James!!
