
Friday, November 16, 2007


On my way back just now with Simi, I met the lady who lives on the top floor. I don't see her very often, but she is always pleasant. I told her about my fall this morning and she said, "Oh, yes, it really shakes you up when you're on your own. A lot of people don't understand". So the day has ended with my feeling that I have found a little empathy in that quarter. It's comforting.

Raffaele always knows when I'm down and I think they do in the Altro Posto too: today's fresh fruit / ice cream concoction is even prettier than Tuesday's I think, and they insisted I take away with me a bar of the latest flavour that the clever chocolatiers of Modica have thought up - Nero d'Avola wine. As Liz commented on Tuesday's post, it would be impolite to refuse!


  1. I do hope you are ok...hug from england x

  2. Chocolate should cheer you up no end. Take it easy Welshcakes and hope you are fighting fit again soon.

  3. Thanks, Anne. Much appreciated. Hi, jmb. I feel better this morning. The choc will help!

  4. Well, I'm glad you're feeling better.

    I can't see you as the lieing down type.

  5. Thank you, Crushed. I hate lying around!

  6. Really hope you're feeling less pain and are less "shook up". Nasty things, falls.

  7. Thanks, James. I'm fine now.x

  8. Love and hugs Welshcakes and hope your bruised BTM repairs pronto. If you`d had Simi with you she would have licked you better immediately. Hope you are alright though, take care!
    Quick up-date re my back problems is, that, I was able to drive my car yesterday, the first time in two months , Yipee !
    Di xxx

  9. Thank you, True Blue. I'm OK now. So pleased you are making good progress there. x

  10. Isn't that thoughtful and kind of them? I say again: I can't see a British proprietor acting the same.

  11. Hi, Liz. I didn't even tell them about the fall: they just sensed I needed cheering up!

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your fall too, belated sympathies. Perhaps we should sign up to Skype so we can talk for free over the internet, but would I ever get any work done then?
    It's worth considering, it would mean you could call me in your hour of need.

  13. Hi, Ellee. Perhaps we should. JJ told me it's easy to sign up for. I just never got around to it. Would we ever stop nattering, though?!
