
Friday, November 09, 2007


I've mentioned before that Italians never come to see you without bringing a gift, even if they are only going to visit for a few minutes, as my dear friends Marco and Giovanna did this evening.

Marco seems to live in constant fear that I will run out of breakfast biscuits, so he brought me some more, whilst Giovanna had been making quince jam. The bottle contains oil from the first pressing of their own olives and I poured some into a glass so that you may behold its glorious colour. It smells and tastes sublime and will be the perfect oil for drizzling onto freshly baked bread. Should you do this, reader, you will want nothing more, for you will think yourself already in heaven. No gifts could please me more than these.


  1. How lovely...and generous!

  2. I remember going to an olive oil tasting combined with a wine tasting in Tuscany one time. I remember that the greener the better. The olive oil is much more expensive than the wine.

  3. Just to mention, i looked at La pensiaro,and now i've favourited it on my youtube.

    To retirn the favour, you may enjoy

    Pavarotti sings with clips from Italians joining in.

    Just the thing when relaxing with a glass of wine and some bread drizzled with local olive oil.

  4. Hi, Leslie. Yes, they are very kind. you're right, jmb - the greener the better and the wine costs less than the oil: a litre of extra-virgin oo costs c. €4.65 whilst you can get a bottle of decent wine for €1.90!

  5. Bread dipped in olive oil;I call it comfort food. Difficult to get a very green olive oil here. My daughter and her husband always bring my some home when ther are visiting family in Italy.

  6. A lovely tradition to bring a little gift each time.

  7. Hello, old and angry. Thank you for visiting and I will go and have a look at that clip now.

  8. Comfort food it is, MM. Yes, I love this tradition, James.

  9. Oh I am just so jealous about the oil, I can just taste it ... sigh :-)

    Are the biscuits a sort of bread? Not familiar with them - but they look great!

  10. Hi, mg. They are sponge-like in texture.

  11. You see, WL, you're already in paradise.
