
Friday, November 09, 2007


I haven't seen the original Mr Gorgeous for a few months now. However, there is a beautiful, thirty-something man who frequents one of my favourite bars and he fascinates me not just because of his looks: This Adonis only ever orders a dessert, and it is always the same dessert, an extraordinary concoction of spongecake topped with cream, chocolate sauce and those cigar-shaped biscuits with which Italians like to adorn ice cream. Today, I noticed, he asked for a plate of extra biscuits on the side.

From my nearby table I gaze at him, admiring his dark, glossy curly hair and perfect clothes and I wonder about him: it can't be that he just has a sweet tooth as he is too slim; perhaps he is one of those energetic young things who has turned a floor of his house into a gym and his super-fit wife won't let him eat dessert? But hasn't the poor dear got a mamma to make dessert for him? Aah, it makes me want to mother him myself! Of course, it could simply be that he works very hard and this is his daily "fix" but I prefer to imagine a cruel, diet-obsesssed wife!


  1. Oh I could spin a plot from this!

  2. Oh my goodness, WC, I'm like going limp as I read this (and your previous post about him). There really is something about Italian men - I got involved with one in my foolish youth and regretted the consequences. I'm older and hopefully wiser.

    Now, would you be brave enough to invite him to sit with you? Offer him a coffee to go with the dessert? My heart is thumping at the thought! Keep us posted!

  3. I bet you could, Lady M! Hi, Leslie. Yes, something about them... No, I'm not that brave and I don't think I would have been at 25 either!

  4. You have to sneak a picture of him one of these days!

  5. Oh yes get a picture for sure! I got that mastered when I was in the Cinque Terre last year. I pretended to be shooting the scenery and casually got him in the shot. Another Mr. Gorgeous Italiano. lol

  6. He probably has a high metabolism and lives with his mother but she doesn't do dessert for lunch.
    You could order the same dessert and start up a conversation that way or maybe Miss Simi could approach him beseechingly with her big brown eyes.

  7. I'll have to try that, Leslie! Hi, jmb. I think I'll get Simi on the case!

  8. Maybe he knows you will be there and as he has already eaten the large lunch Mama prepared for him this is all he can manage. Just smile glance at his and then quickly turn away. I am told this is flirting.

  9. You seem like you hve a crush, Welshcakes ! :)

  10. Hi, crushed. I jjst like people-watching, especially if they're male and italian!

  11. People watching is irresistible. Ask if he has a younger sister who is an anglophile. :-p

  12. Why not offer him a small bottle of your limoncello?

  13. I will, Beaman. There's an idea, WW!

  14. If only these young men knew what goes on in the heads of women like you and me, Welshcakes!

  15. Probably just as well they don't, Liz!

  16. Hi WL. I did a lot of "Italian" men watching..they are fascinating.

    You're right Liz...what goes through our heads!!!

    You need to be brave WL and give us an update x

  17. Welcome back, Anne. I'm not that brave! x
