
Saturday, November 10, 2007


Here, cari lettori, is my effort at the chilli oil. I've put in garlic and a dried chilli as well, plus different coloured peppercorns and a sprig of dried oregano to pretty it up.


  1. Just when I've put the mince out and am thinking how to prepare it.

  2. Would you like some to pour onto it, James? - It's not ready yet but when it is it'll be HOT! What did you do with the mince? Buon appetito x

  3. Is this like a sauce?
    What would you serve it with?

  4. Hi, Crushed. As the weeks go by, this will become very, very hot so you just drizzle a little into your soup to warm yourself up. Or you can sprinkle a little on your bread.

  5. I like hot, and it's good for the cardio-vascular system as well I've read. That looks very good.

  6. Hmm, someone gave me a bottle of fiery chili pepper olive oil which I haven't even opened. It has a cork which I will probably break and then how can I close it? It's in a very strange fancy bottle.

  7. I love this - and with Christmas coming up it could be a great present for foodie friends :-) How long do you think it lasts for Welshcakes? I figure the oil will pretty much last for a long while, just wondering if the flavorings have any effect on the shelf life....

  8. You know how to make a man's mouth water, that is for sure. Looks great!

  9. Anonymous4:57 pm

    WL -

    The inclusion of the garlic is slightly worrisome. Please, do have a read of this safety notice.

  10. Now that looks like it will be utterly delicious when it's ready.

  11. Hi, mg. I used to make this in the UK but with less chillis. It used to last for ages. Here I will keep it regrigerated. Do have a look at the cautionary link in Ludlingtonian's comment here, though: you could always leave out the garlic. Thanks, Beaman. Thank you, Ludluintonian: I will refrigerate it and keep an eye on it. I hope so, jams!

  12. Don't offer that to Adonis...

  13. You're right, WW - best not!
