
Friday, October 26, 2007


It doesn't take much to cheer me up here in Italy:
A super-long hug from Raffaele the hairdresser this morning. He has an uncanny knack of knowing just when I need this.

These lovely mushrooms in the supermarket.

And this complimentary tartlet which came with my coffee at the Altro Posto at lunch time - by way of an apology because they thought they'd kept me waiting.


  1. Those mushrooms look tasty....

    Oh how lovely..a hug from your hairdresser..xx

  2. How lovely to be valued - even if it is just a little cake; I could just about taste the mushrooms - alittle garlic and a slpash of olive oil with some country bread. Why can't I just eat without the kilos bothering me. A big warm hug from me too, absolutely XXX

  3. Hi, Anne. Yes, I think they will be. I have a wonderful hairdresser! Hi, janejill. That's it, exactly - feeling valued. Yes, the mushrooms need just that - garlic and oo. Thanks for the hug - here's one for you, and one from Simi too. x

  4. Thats what i needed this week....a nice big hug...

  5. The mushrooms look great, the tart makes me think I have to get my eyes done soon!
    Hugs to you and Miss Simi.

  6. Hi WC, good thing I read the comments in your previous posting because I had no idea what it was. So glad someone else inquired. lol

    I adore mushrooms and that one looks like it could be a whole meal. I love sauteeing them plain and adding them into a stirfry.

    Hugs! I could use lots more than I get. How lucky for you! :D

  7. The mushrooms look gorgeous, how lucky you are. It was a great thing for the shop to do, its those little touches & service that make people come back, but I think the hug from your hairdresser was the best, some people just have the knack of knowing when you need one...x

  8. Very sophisticated mushrooms!

  9. Hi, Sally. It does help, doesn't it? Sorry about that, jmb. It's the overhead lights in the bar. Next time I will tell them I have to take the food outside for a minute to photograph it! They already think I am mad, so it will make no difference. Hi, Leslie. Yes, I think it / they could constitute a whole meal. I love mushrooms because there are so many ways to cook them. Hi, Gale. Yes, a nice gesture from the bar. The hug from Raff was definitely the best bit! Little things like this can make your day. Hi, Gleds. Well, I think they're pretty!

  10. I send you a cyberhug, it's the best I can do. I hope you enjoyed that fabulous mushroom and dessert.

  11. Wish someone would give me a complimentary tart for waiting - think of the night out we'd have.

  12. And it is much appreciated, Ellee. thank you. Hi, James. Well, if you come over, I'll tell the manager of the Altro Posto to reserve one for you!

  13. A complimentary tart: now that conjures a vivid picture!

    It's the little things that cheer us up and help us on our way, isn't it?

  14. Ciao, Liz. Yes, little thoughts like that can make a person's day!

  15. My goodness... the complimentary tartlet looks so, so good.
