
Saturday, October 27, 2007


1. The olives, duly bashed, are now in a solution of coarse salt and water, which will be changed twice daily for 10 days.

2. The quinces for the quince liqueur have been grated and must sit thus for 4 days.

3. The alcohol for the liqueur has been poured onto bashed [I seem to be doing a lot of bashing lately] cloves, coriander seeds, cinnamon and almonds plus a little nutmeg [in the absence of mace]. After 4 days I will press the quinces through muslin and add them. After 10 days, the sugar should be added and the mixture left for another 10 days before straining.

By the way, if any Italian government bureaucrats are reading this post, the title does not mean that this blog supports a profit-making company! Se sta leggendo quest'articolo qualche burocrate del governo italiano, il titolo non significa che questo blog costituisca un'organizzazione imprenditoriale del lavoro!


  1. Beating olives - how violent! :)

  2. It's strangely satisfying, James!

  3. Anonymous12:23 am

    I am looking forward to the illegal booze Ms Limoncello!! Yum Yum ! and bugger the Italians I say!!

  4. Laughing out loud. It won't be some person reading Welshcakes, it will be some web-crawler spider thing program which will not understand English, so you'll be safe anyway.

    That's how I got caught blogging about Steveston. The webmaster said he had a program which searches for any mention of Steveston on the internet. So now my post is on the Steveston website.

  5. The booze is legal, Mutley. I'll let you know when it's ready! Jmb, how do you know when you've got this web crawling thing?

  6. Re eejut local law:
    Good thing you don't have Adsense... as I think you were mentioning before...

  7. ps Adsense isn't that good. I've had it for coming up 6 months and of 25,000 "page impressions" I've "earned" less than $25 US!

  8. Hi, Gleds. Yes, probably just as well. I've always wondered whether anybody actually earns anything from it.

  9. Yummy too. How can I score some of these?

  10. So the Italians don't like blogs.
    But they like bolli.
    And home made liqeuers.
    And ...Spiders that live in the internet???
    The world is full of unusual creatures.

  11. Come visit, James! Crushed, that was rather poetic - you could make it into a post! Auguri

  12. Has James booked his ticket yet? He knows he won't go hungry.

  13. There's nothing like a good bash of something to work off a bit of ... well, anything really!

  14. Hi, Ellee. You're right - hungry is one thing he wouldn't be! When are you booking YOUR ticket?? Hi, Liz. I'm all for bashing!
