
Friday, October 26, 2007


Gentlemen, avert your eyes.

Ladies, you know what this is....

Right, so how did it get into my sugar jar?!

You think you put things in strange places, Liz?


  1. That seems to happen more often these least it's a good surprise, right?

  2. I must not be a lady...what is that blue thing????

  3. Well - err - not really, pink! Hi, Anne. Ok, I confess - it's one of those spatula things that come with tubes of depilatory cream!! [It was, at least, clean, I hasten to add.] Now, I don't take sugar in anything so I would only have opened the jar to replenish it or get some out to serve to a friend with tea/coffee, so that would have been in the daytime and I would not have been gin and tonicked - and surely a friend would have said, "Excuse me but why are you putting that thing in the sugar jar?" So I am seriously worried about my dotage here!

  4. That is what I thought it was....but then thought..What is it doing in her Sugar Jar!!!!!

  5. I'm glad I wasn't the only ignorant female coming by. Are you sure it wasn't there in the kitchen while you well cleaning it and the door bell rang and you shoved it in there out of the way? Well only trying to help!

  6. Oh my, I thought it was one of those fancy food scrapers, lol. I should have said, I'm always putting things where I can't find them and it seems to happen more often these days.

  7. That does make me laugh, but don't panic Welshcakes, I'm sure we've all done similar (or is it just me)..mine thing at the moment is walking into a room and thinking, what did i want in here?...Ive never come up with the answer

  8. Anonymous3:23 pm

    So I am seriously worried about my dotage here!

    Seeing as how you've turned this mental lapse into quite a funny story, would that be your "anecdotage"?

  9. I once shoved the sugar in the fridge when I was in a hurry to go out. My ultra staight-laced housemate never let me hear the last of it!

  10. BTW: who was your favourite childhood Bear?

    (Quiz at mine.)

  11. Hi, Anne. I don't know! Ciao, jmb. I don't think that's what I did but the suggestion makes me feel better! Hi, pink. Glad I am not alone! Ciao, Gale. You too? That's all right then... Thank you, Ludlingtonian. I like that - "anecdotage" - and that is what I shall call it from now on! Hey, Gleds, the sugar in the fridge? Haven't done that yet! Will be over to see your quiz.

  12. I thought that was what it was! That must rank as top of the misplaced things so far admitted to by any of us ladies. That is pretty impressive!

  13. Liz, you have made my night! - I am "top" with something! Auguri.

  14. If it makes you feel better, I found my keys in the freezer the other day...

    So no more talk about your dotage. That day is faaaaaar away.


  15. Thanks, Ruthie. That does make me feel better! I needed that.
