
Friday, September 07, 2007


I hope you can just see that the cute little biscuit on this ice cream from the Altro Posto at lunch time says "Ciao". It cheered me up, anyway, but then, I have a tendency to become inordinately fascinated by such details.

The temperature on the Sacro Cuore thermometer showed a blissfully cool 25 C this afternoon and this evening it's actually cool enough to consider getting out a cardigan!

Everyone's a bit subdued today, thinking of "the people's tenor": Bocelli is to sing at the funeral and the Mayor of Modena has proposed that the town's opera house be renamed for Pavarotti. I visited Modena some years ago and know something of the high regard in which the singer was held in his home town, so it is entirely appropriate that the funeral should take place there. Andrew Allison has a nice tribute on his site.


  1. An ex-boyfriend's girlfriend comes from Modena, famed for its balsamic vinegar. She makes her own, she is a culinery wizzard like you. Her last name is Ferrari, yes, you've guessed it, and she teaches opera in the UK. Small world isn't it?

  2. Hi, Ellee. Small world indeed.

  3. The wife of our friend in Bologna, Grazia (well she's our friend too) is from Modena and she pointed out his house once when we were there.
    I'm surprised that the Modena opera house was not already named after Pavarotti.
    He was born a month before me, I noticed.

  4. It is a real loss.

    We are lucky though, in that he left a legacy of first class high quality recordings of his work.

    Future generations will be able to discover him for themselves and not simply rely on reputation.

  5. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Just been thinking about the gaps in your posts WL - hope you don't mind me commenting rather than emailing but it might help others. This happens when you place a picture in your post. Look at the HTML of your posts as you write them...notice the evil little div and /div codes...get rid of them all and you post will return to normal...unless, of course, this is design by accident, in which case, I apologise.

  6. Hi, jmb. Yes, you would think they'd have done it before but then bear in mind the bureaucracy surrounding anything like a name change for a public building in Italy...
    Ciao, Phil A. Thank you for visiting. Yes, we and future generations are lucky in that : no one will have to listen to cracked records!
    Shirl, the spacing has been driving me mad when I post photos! Thank you. I'll try it.

  7. PS: Shirl, the paragraphing in this one was intentional. The long gaps between paragraphs in other posts has driven me round the bend, though.

  8. WL

    "... a blissfully cool 25 C this afternoon and this evening it's actually cool enough to consider getting out a cardigan!"

    Are you trying to make me feel jealous? :)

  9. I'm playing Andrea Bocelli at this moment, Welsh. It will be a bittersweet moment, that's for sure. Sadness mingled with celebrating the great man's fruitful life.

  10. I'm going to the only Italian cafe here tomorrow morning - Giuseppe's. I'll be thinking of you when I ahve my gelati.

  11. icecream. believe it or not, the best icecream I ever had was in bulgaria!

  12. Sorry, CC! It was over 40 in August and we were all wilting, you see! Hi, Lee. Yes, it was sad and I cried but there were also wonderful moments, especially the applause when 2 of Pavarotti's songs were played. Thank you, James. I hope you enjoyed your gelato. Hi, Kizzie. I've never been to Bulgaria but would like to. Shirl, if you're reading, I did my best with the spacing on this post but coudn't get it quite right. At one point I had to redo the entire thing. So leaving well alone for now! Auguri.

  13. His leaving is a huge loss to the world of opera.. I am so pleased I was able to see/hear him at the Three Tenors Concert in Paris. What a voice!

  14. Shirl, I meant on the next post - sorry. Hi, Lady M. I'd have loved to have seen the Three Tenors live - just once.
