
Saturday, September 08, 2007


I know I'm forever quoting Browning and I am about to do so again: Today the weather has been perfect - sunny but not stiflingly hot, with pure air and a light breeze now and then - one of those days, in short, when I am so grateful to be alive and in Italy, a country I have loved all my adult life; and a day when I find myself repeating Browning's wonderful lines:

"Open my heart and you will see
Graved inside of it, "Italy."
Such lovers old are I and she;
So it always was and shall ever be!"

So what better day for a walk around Modica Bassa? I took some photos for you:
1. Looking up towards the Norman castle. But take a close look at the centre of the picture. Can you see what look like caves? That's exactly what they are and people made their homes in them within living memory. I have a friend who remembers hiding from the Germans in them in WW2.
2. Looking towards the castle again.
3. Bell tower of Santa Maria di Betlemme.
4. I love the colour of the stone of Santa Maria del Soccorso.
5,6,7. Dwellings.
8. Our restored Teatro Garibaldi, which is quite charming inside.
9. Palm trees outside a school.
10, 11. This view makes my heart sing: looking up at Modica Alta.


  1. Lovely architecture- It makes me want to visit Italy.
    Reminds me somewhat of certain Devon seaside towns- with the terraced streets along the hillside.

  2. You'd love it here, Crushed. I see what you meanabout the terraced streets.

  3. Yes, it is truly stunning, so different to my flat landscape.

  4. Lovely photos WCLC, it's a truly beautiful place. The colours are so Italian. No place on earth like it.

  5. Great pictures - what does "Bassa" and "Alta" mean? Thanks!

  6. Everything is so old and steeped in history and romance. :)

  7. Amazing photos WL...I will have to come back. But it would have to be longer than a week :-)

  8. Too beautiful, thank you for sharing. My favorite trolling down is number four - what a color. I stopped on that one thinking what words would I use to describe that..

    Browning always works eh?

  9. Love the pictures! I can't wait to go to Sicily next year!

  10. Ellee, jmb, you would love it if you saw it for real! Hi, TF. Glad you like them too. Alta = high; bassa = low. Many Italian cities have a "High part" and a "low part". Hi, Lee. Yes, I think that's part of the attraction for me. Thanks, Anne. You, too, will have to come and see this part of Sicily. Thanks, Lady M. I think that's my favourite, too. Yes, with regard to Italy, I think Browning has it! Thanks, pink! Not so long now!

  11. there is this half english/half italian guy in my cultures of africa class..I will tell him about your blog, he will be pleased!:)

  12. Thanks, Kizzie. That'll be great.

  13. Welshcakes; have you read The Ladies Maid by Magaret Forster ? This is about the "Brownings" in Italy, as depicted by Elizabeth Barrett Browning`s Maid. Compelling stuff ! It`s some time since I first read it, I think it was first published in 1997.

  14. Hi, True Blue. Yes, I have read that but thank you for reminding me of it. i think it's time I read it again.

  15. That is a very steep hillside. It must have taken some hard work building the houses on it.

    Lovely photos of a beautiful place.

  16. Absolutely breath taking! Thank you for the photos! There so crisp I feel like I can almost reach into the computer and touch them! May all your days be as beautiful as this one! M

  17. You are very kind, M. Glad you like the pics!

  18. Wow, absolutely stunning. I can't help but think of the wonderful Italian film, 'Il Postino'. Great photos.

  19. Thank you, Beaman. I love that film but it makes me cry every time!
