
Monday, June 04, 2007


I have never seen a branch of citronella before though I have used candles and other products containing the oil as insect repellents [something which might, according to this article, be illegal in the EU now]. A friend brought this branch around this morning in the hope that it might help Simi and me with a problem we have:

Simi is a wonderful, good dog and she only usually barks when someone rings the doorbell [which she is supposed to] and in excitement when we are ready to go out. However, about 9 weeks ago, some puppies were born in the house opposite. These puppies live in an outdoor run. [A lot of people keep their dogs outside the whole time here and have no concept of a dog as a member of the family in the way that Simi is.] As puppies do, they yap and this sometimes starts at 5 am. Simi gets up and has a little bark at them and I get up with her to try and distract her from barking as I am terrified of disturbing my immediate neighbours. [I am not, as some of you will know, exactly a morning person, so this makes me very grumpy indeed!] She does sort of know that she should not bark at that time of morning and has begun shaking one of her toys in the pups' direction instead but that makes noise, too! [She takes no notice whatsoever when the older dogs bark, or of other outdoor sounds; it is just the high-pitched yapping.] Anyway, I read on the internet that you can get citronella "anti-bark" collars; these apparently emit a harmless spray of the substance when the dog barks and they don't like the smell. But is it, I wonder the "surprise" element of the spray that does it? I have tried spraying perfume around when Simi barks and sometimes that works [though it's a bit of an extravagant use of a bottle of "Paris"!] When I told my friend about this, she offered to bring some citronella from her garden. So you may imagine me at 5 am tomorrow, stress levels high as the sky, reader, waving the branch under Simi's nose in the hope that it will effect a miracle and restore our peace. I wonder what eurodog thinks?


  1. I look forward to reading about Simi's response. I must say, I would be really cross if I was woken at 5am by yapping dogs.

  2. Anonymous7:23 pm

    Could it be the mother instinct in her?

  3. Well the one good thing is that these puppies will grow up eventually or maybe they will be sold or given away. So then the problem will be solved.
    Hopefully Eurodog will be full of useful suggestions.
    Are you going to boil up the citronella into a tea and spray her with it? They always say that plain water in a sprayer works quite well too.
    Good luck

  4. Good luck! At 5 am tomorrow I'll be at an airport en route for Bell'Italia, but, sadly, not Bella Sicilia. I'll look forward to catching up on all the news when I get back - take care dear Welshcakes and hope the sun comes out soon.

  5. I shall wait to hear if it works. I could do with something like that for Harvey, although I fear I am immune to his barking now and it's only the neighbours he upsets!

  6. I think,as steve g says, that Simi is being a little mother and telling those noisy puppies to be quiet.

  7. Well, this is a difficult problem to solve as I mentioned to you previously. My advice was to distract Simi when she started to bark. Play with her or even take her out for a walk but I can understand that is not so feasible at 5 in the morning. Playing might also wake the neighbours.
    Yes citronnella is a repellent and dogs do not like the smell. I cannot see you waving the plant under her nose will do much. Why not dilute 10 drops of essential oil of citronnella in a small plastic spray bottle of 100 ml. Plain water and 5 drops and give it a good shake and spray in Simi's general direction. When she stops barking, praise her, give her a treat even.
    Do not make a big deal about this and remain indifferent in your body language otherwise she will pick up on it, will want to play and possibly bark even more.
    Puppies usually leave their mother when they are 2 months old so hopeful they will move on and your problem will be solved.
    There are electric anti-bark collars ( 150€ approx. )which emit an ultrasound. I know they produce good results but I am against them; I think they are cruel but that is my opinion.
    If I am awake at 5 which is unlikely I shall be thinking of you. I shall check your blog first thing in the morning to see how you got on.

  8. Let me know if it works..maybe I could try it out on my youngest son when he starts to loose his temper.. :-)

  9. Are these a kind of herb?
    The name seems to suggest so.

    I wouldn't get your hopes up. Dogs are notoriously immune to having their irritating habits solved.

  10. Oh my...

    How about a bottle of water you can spritz at her! They don't like it.. the sound is there and well water...nevermind! Water in your case maybe jsut as expensive as perfume! I forgot you sometimes have to wait..


    Hope the puppies grow up quick!

  11. Well? How did it go?

  12. Hi, ellee, yes, it is annoying. Steve and marymary, yes, I wondered if it was the "mother" in her - could be. Jmb, I don't think the pups will be given away as the man keeps several dogs. Just hope they mature fast! An infusion - that's an idea. Hadn't thought of that. Sally, have a good trip to Italy. Liz, does Harvey still bark loudly? I always imagined him as quiet because he looks so gentle. Hi, eurodog. Thank you for your good advice and help. Sorry I didn't post earlier, but as I've said in an email to you, I haven't been well today. I'll get some of the oil and try it diluted in a spray bottle as you suggest. I can see that my body language is important here as Simi will pick up on my tension. It isn't feasible to take her out that early as I wouldn't feel safe before about 7 am when there are people about. Also she might bark more in excitement. Well, as I told you, I didn't get up when she did at 5 this morning and all she did was growl in the direction of the pups. she did bark at 7.30 but only once, I waved the citronella at her and can report that she doesn't like it but she was more curious about it than anything. I don't think the pups will be given away - just have to wait for them to grow up! I'm interested i your opinion re the citronella collars and will take your word for it. Thank you again for your concern. Sally in Norfolk, it might work!! Crushed, yes, it's a herb. Poor Simi - it isn't her fault. It's those pups! Thanks, M. Well, it's not as expensive as perfume so I will give it a try!

  13. Yes, Harvey spends a large part of his day woofing. For no reason whatsoever.

  14. Oh, give Harvey a cuddle from Simi and me, Liz!

  15. I would get one of those collars if I were you, Welsh. Your mood isn't going to be helped if you have to get up at 5am every morning just to wave a branch of citronella under Simi's nose! The collar is the way to go...illegal or not! Who's going to know, anyway (except the world through blogging! ) ;) But I won't tell anyone!

  16. Lee, I think you've got a point there!
