
Tuesday, June 05, 2007


The lateness in posting tonight is explained by the fact that an old foot injury has decided to flare up - probably because of the recent humidity - and I have spent most of the day sitting round with a bag of frozen peas on my elevated foot. Worse - scream! - I can only get one pair of [flatty] shoes on! The indignity of it!!

I did just about manage to hobble over to Raffaele's this morning, as I figure if I'm ill and my hair's a mess I'll feel worse. If I'm going to be laid up, I'll do it in elegance! Having got that far, and the temperature being back at a respectable 25 C, I decided to limp a little further to the Altro Posto where they made me this pretty concoction to cheer me up.


  1. Ah well gelato, that should cheer you up. As well as elegant hair. I don't think I've actually ever had elegant hair. If I ever get to Modica I'll definitely give Raffaele a whirl.

  2. You must buy a pair of Crocs they are the most comfortable "shoes" to wear ,especially in a warm climate. Not for evening wear but they do come in every colour and look much nicer than you would imagine. You can buy little embellishments to fit in the holes. I have the ones with the strap around the heel in black aawith amber rhinestone.

  3. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Looks delicious. A bag of frozen peas on your foot. Being a person that detests peas, I can't think of a better use. Hope the foot gets better soon.

  4. Has he persuaded you to go for feathery and messy yet? Do you like my new shoes Welshcakes ? If you don't please just say nothing, as I couldn't be happy wearing them (for a few days anyway)

  5. I'm sure you look stunning. I hope you make a good recovery. Can you still take Simi for his daily walks?

  6. I am glad you managed to hobble to Raffaele's. It would have been too much to be poorly and look a sight! And that concoction would definitely have made me feel better.

    Hope your foot is much better now. x

  7. I'll tell him that, jmb - he'll be delighted! Marymary, going to look up "crocs" on net now. I love "little embellishments"! I forgot you hated peas, Steve. Well, I only like them as an ingredient, not on their own. This particular pack has other uses, though! Thanks for your good wishes. Not yet, janejill - he's working on it. I've just been over to your blog and can' t get the photo to load. But I'll keep trying. I'm sure they are lovely shoes! Thanks, Ellee. I am managing to take simi for her 4 walks a day, only more slowly! thanks, Liz - we think alike! x

  8. Well, if you've got to hobble, you may as well do it in style, done, earrings on and G & T at the ready! ;)

    I hope your foot comes to its senses, soon....either that or you'd better get some extra packets of frozen peas and another bottle of Gordons!

    Take care. :)

  9. How about Deep Heat - can you get that over there?

  10. I think that's by far the best alternative to an ice-pack I've ever seen (and much more delicious). Hope the foot gets better soon.

  11. Hope you aren't hobbling for long...sounds painful .You always find something else to cheer you up...lovely icecreams!!!

  12. Hi, Lee. Never go anywhere without earrings on! WW, you can get similar products here but I have to be careful with anti-inflammatories as I'm asthmatic. Have now got a cream from the doc. Thanks, UPM and Anne - well, an ice cream cools the mind, at least, and that can't be bad!
