
Monday, June 04, 2007


This is the coldest summer day I have ever known in Sicily. It is raining and the temperature is about 15 C. Usually it is sweltering by June and we have to keep the shutters closed all day. What is going on? Could it be that we have global cooling down here? I've just looked at the forecast and tomorrow, it seems, will be about the same, with afternoon temperatures rising to a more normal 25C by Wednesday.

If you are new to this blog, you may be surprised to learn that it is illegal, in Italy, to have the central heating on after certain dates set by each comune, in our case, 31st March for this year.


  1. Here, today is the hottest it has been this year! I am so glad though that we don't have that law: our heating came on last week as it was so cold.

  2. It's that "Global Whoring" that's doing it, Welsh! ;)

    I didn't know about the illegality of central heating after a certain date...that's interesting. Has it always been this way?hgtukt

  3. Ooops...I typed the code in the wrong place! Still getting used to the use of the pad on my new laptop!

  4. I had no idea, I like Lee's quote about "global whoring".

  5. Anonymous7:22 pm

    You probably won't use it often, but a portable radiator will do wonders when it gets cold. Just plug it in and turn it on.

  6. Well we are still waiting for summer here in Vancouver too. We have had I think three warm days so far, to tease us, then gone. My plants are just sulking.
    I bet you didn't think you'd be wearing a sweater in June in Sicily.

  7. 15C is about the temp of the river and pool i have been swimming in this week-end..... glad to say it was warmer out the water :-)

  8. You have Mt Etna to keep you warm!!

  9. We had lovely weather yesterday....thank god....imagine all my guests in my house !!!

  10. Oh my and we had scorching abnormal temps the other day! I say Mother Nature is in a fit and can't seem to make up her mind!


  11. What's the temperature been, Liz? We are back up to 25 today. I like that, Lee - "global whoring"! There have been limitations on heating use in Italy for as long as I remember. Not everyone obeys the rules, though! What code? So do I, ellee! Steve, the Ital state has you all ways; there are limits on the number of electrical appliances you can have on at a time, too! Hi, jmb - no, I didn't - at least, not in the daytime! Sally in N, you are brave! Hi, marymary. Etna's 2 hours away, though. Hi, Anne, yes, fortunate for your bbq! M, I think you have summed it up!
