
Sunday, May 13, 2007


Local elections are taking place today and tomorrow and I heard all my neighbours rising early to go off and vote. Later, Simi and I saw many of them sitting outside the cafés, discussing the vote and the possible outcome [one of the advantages of holding elections on a Sunday being that you can take the time to do this]. There are literally hundreds of candidates, there is no voter apathy and there is quite a jovial atmosphere in the town. You would think that, with the voting upon us, the comune would have given up its fruitless efforts at concealing the illegally placed election posters on the famous poster wall, but last night, there was the town billsticker, happily covering them up yet again!

The summer heat arrived yesterday and, even though it has been expected, we are all [except Simi, who is totally unfazed] surprised and made lazier by it. It is not really "scorching", by Sicilian standards - only about 26 C this afternoon - but you could have heard a pin drop in the street between 2 and 4. We forget, during the winter, just how hot it gets!


  1. Are you allowed to vote over there? I'm glad to hear there is no voter apathy. I would be interested to know how candidates use the internet for their campaigning.

  2. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Elections and Warm weather on a Sunday, what more could a person want. We had a nice day here. The rain and strong winds have given us a break.

  3. Not been such a nice day in Cambridge,heavy rain most of the day but we still met our friends to do a 14 mile walk. :-)

  4. Absolute tropical downpour here in Brussels. The raindrops were so big I could not see across the street. The kitchen flooded and the gutters overflowed. Now there is beautiful sunshine and steam coming off the road. If this is not global warming .........
    Glad to hear your summer has arrived.
    Yes we vote on a sunday as well but here there is total apathy. Maybe with the recent elections in France which were closely followed here there may be more interest. We shall see in June. Voting is compulsary here.

  5. Hi, Ellee. Yes, in local and European Parliament elections. I've not been sent any voting papers, though and couldn't face the bureaucracy of registering but will do it for next time! As far as I can tell, the net is not being used a lot in these local elections although all the parties of course have sites. Of all the candidate leaflets I have received, I have only seen a website address on two. What does happen is meetings and rallies in the squares. Italian politics is a noisy business! Hi, Steve. What more indeed? Glad you've got better weather. Sally, you put me to shame! Hi, eurodog. It's like that here - when it does rain, it doesn't do so by halves! Hope your kitchen is not in too bad a mess. I didn't know that voting was compulsory in Belgium.
