
Saturday, May 12, 2007


Ai lettori italiani:
La bambina inglese, Madeleine McCann, è stata rapita il 3 maggio 2007 mentre era in vacanza in Portogallo con i genitori. Oggi compie 4 anni. Madeleine potrebbe essere in qualsiasi parte d'Europa o anche nel Marocco. Vi preghiamo, soprattutto se viaggiate, di stare cogli occhi aperti per questa piccola e, se avete delle informazioni, di contattare la polizia. Grazie.
Aux lecteurs francophones:
La petite Madeleine McCann a été enlevée le 3 mai 2007 pendant qu'elle était en vacances au Portugal avec sa famille. Elle a 4 ans aujourd'hui. Madeleine pourrait être maintenant n'importe où en Europe ou même au Maroc. La famille de Madeleine vous serait très reconnaissante, surtout si vous êtes en train de voyager, d'essayer de repérer la petite fille et, si vous avez des renseignements sur elle, de vous adresser à la police. Merci.


  1. This is truely horrible.
    My thoughts are with the poor girl's parents and their family who must be going through hell.

  2. On cannot begin to imagine what the parents of little Madeleine are going through. This is a most terrible thing to have happened. I hope their little girl is returned to them safe and sound.

  3. Eurodog, yes, that poor family.. How could anyone look at that mother and not realise her pain? Steve, I am absolutely with you. What kind of bastard could do this? Lee, that is what we all wish..

  4. Of course here in Belgium we had that horrible Dutroux case a few years ago. It is still in people's minds as if it happened yesterday. Let's not fear the worst but I must admit that as time goes by I fear a macabre outcome.

  5. Prayers for Madeleine - and her family.

  6. Heartbreaking!

    My prayers are with Madeleine and of course her family.


  7. I'm glad you posted this, and thank you for the comment on my site about this truly heartbreaking story. Knowing how the Italians love children, I image this would have truly shocked them.

  8. James, yes. That's all we can say, now. Eurodog,I remember that horrific case. It was terrible. As time goes on one does fear the worst but let us hope. Liz, M, I'm sure we are all praying for Madeleine and her family. Ellee, as I've said on your blog few people know of the case here - not even my policeman neighbour. So that is partly why I have posted this. The people I have told about are, of course, horrified and concerned. Kidnapping and abductions do happen here, as elsewhere, but of course these cases shock Italians as they do the rest of us.
