
Monday, April 23, 2007


The patron saint of Modica is the very same St George as England's and today his statue is taken from his magnificent Cathedral and paraded around the town [although not twirled around, as in the Scicli Easter festa!] The day is not a full holiday, as shops and businesses are open, but schools are off and, as Wednesday is a national holiday [Liberation Day] many of them have allowed a ponte [bridge] between the two holidays and so the children and teachers have tomorrow off as well.

San Giorgio is also the patron saint of nearby Ragusa Ibla and of Genova and Ferrara. He can be asked to intercede in cases of plague, skin disease and venereal disease and he is the protector of halbadiers, arms makers, horses, horsemen, soldiers, scouts, lepers and, last but not least, husbands!


  1. Happy San Giorgio, Welshcakes! I can imagine the scrummy morsels you'll ingest this evening.

  2. Any excuse to let your hair down and sample your scrummy liqueors. Do have one on me.

  3. Happy St George's Day to you, too, James, albeit a bit late! Nothing special this evening - I just cooked myself a pork chop with pears and fresh herbs.
    Oh, Ellee that was just the excuse I needed! Simi and I drank to you!

  4. That's interesting - I lived in Spain for a few years , and "ponte" was used there too. Same word, and same principle. Why do we miss out here, apart from th horrible too long bridge between Christmas and New year - well horrible if one is in England, but not so bad if on Holiday I suppose

  5. Ahh...the good old St. George...and a fine fellow he was with a name like that! ;)

    I just read down and saw your comment to James,'re not going to believe this, but I just took out a couple of pork chops to defrost for my dinner later! And I just pick a huge bunch of rosemary from my herb garden intending to use some for my meal and also to wear a sprig when I go to tomorrow's Anzac Day Dawn Service. It commences at I'll be there around 4.45am.

    I love the aroma of fresh rosemary...any fresh herbs for that matter.

  6. Well I didn't know that St George had such a wide range of talents, but since I went to St George Girls' High School we always celebrated St George's day so I certainly knew that today was it.

  7. St George gets around, doesn't he?! I did some research on him last year and was fascinated to find out his history and also the list of things for which he is patron saint.

    The Sicilians know how to enjoy life and make the most of every opportunity it seems!

  8. Hi, janejill. The Italians would say that they don't have half term and only a few days at Easter [in schools, that is]. I love their attitude to holidays, except the mid-August fortnight's closure, which drives me round the bend. hi, Lee. That is, indeed, a coincidence. I love cooking with fresh herbs, too and I think rosemary is my favourite. Thank you for reminding us that tomorrow is Anzac Day and well done for attending the early service. hi, jmb. I didn't know either, till I came here! Ciao, Liz. He certainly does. Yes, any excuse for a festa here and I'm all for it!
