
Sunday, April 22, 2007


We have comune elections on 13th and 14th May. Everyone is interested and involved and there is no sign of the voter apathy or "They're all the same" cynicism that you find in the UK. Three people are standing for election from my little side street alone and this would be very unusual in Britain. [The ballot papers are as long as your arm and I don't know how people remember who they want to vote for!]
I took this photo of the various candidates' posters on a nearby wall yesterday morning, which was just as well, as by evening they had all been torn down! A stern comune notice says they have been removed because they had been placed there in contravention of law 212 of 4.4.56 [just as happened with the regional election posters last year]. Now, let's see how quickly they reappear!


  1. Nothing at all seen in the streets for our local elections yet, despite being only 10 days away.

  2. Hello Welshcakes ...How to choose? I think I might just go on smiles - especially if their eyes twinkle, and are brown - hmm I sound very sexist here... Do you get to vote?

  3. Despite the law there always seem to be so many posters in Italy, if not for elections, then for a ballet or exhibition or opera or whatever.

  4. It would be easier just to throw all the names in a hat and pick them out from there! ;)

  5. Hi, delicolor. Cutting it a bit fine over there, aren't they? Have the door to door canvassers been round? Janejill, yes: smiles and twinkles seem as good a way of deciding as any! In theory I can vote in local elections but I can't face the yards of bureaucracy I'd encounter if I tried to register to vote! jmb, yes, Itals do love their posters; and people do take the time to read them! Lee, that would probably get just as sensible a result!

  6. Hi Welshcakas, this is really interesting. Would you like to write a guest post for me on this subject? I wonder what they think about our cash for honours scandel!

  7. Hi, Ellee. Yes, I'd really like to - thank you. Give me a few days to get my facts straight?

  8. What a choice!

    We have Welsh Assembly elections soon and I don't even know who's standing yet! I suppose the propoganda will start arriving this week.

  9. Hi, Liz. I suppose there is plenty of choice here! I'd forgotten about the WA elections. What do you think will happen in them?
