Wedding Destinations in Sicily
1 week ago
A Welshwoman's Life in Sicily
It was wonderful to see the return of our lovely chocolate festival, ChocoModica, from 7th - 10th December, the first time it had been held since the pandemic. I've always loved the atmosphere of this festival where there is something for everyone, with cookery demonstations, book launches, concerts and chocolate sculpting among the many events. And of course, there are chocolate stalls, local food stalls and craft stalls to browse.
Here are some photos (some of which I have had to crop so as not to show the faces of children). I did my best!
Who can resist a chocolate-flavoured panettone? Not me! The fine gentleman in the chef's hat was handing out free tubs of freshly made chocolate ice cream. |
Chocolate sculpting |
Cocoa bean pods and cocoa beans |
I like the craft stalls. |
Who wants a chocolate coffee-maker? (In the background on the right.) |
Well done, Modica!