
Friday, October 08, 2021


Oh dear, oh dear! Yes, I just checked and he really did say it: Chef Gordon Ramsay, during episode 1 of his roadtrip cookery programme Gordon, Gino and Fred Go Greek, first commented that Greek cooks are as good as their French and Italian counterparts and then said that actually, Greek cooking is better than Italian. This, as you can imagine, has not gone down exactly well in Italy and it stupefied Ramsay's travel companion Gino D'Acampo too, whilst French maître d'hôtel Fred Siriex appeared to agree with Ramsay, citing the longevity of the Greeks. (Has he ever been to Ispica, I wonder?)

There are plenty of amusing comments in the outraged newspaper articles this event has inspired and some of the comments on social media make good reading too, referring to Ramsay's rather unconventional -  and therefore scandalous to Italians - interpretations of traditional Italian dishes.

Me? I love both Greek and Italian cuisine but I have never been lucky enough to eat Greek food in Greece. Therefore I would say I have a slight bias towards the country I live in but other than that I'm keeping out of it!

It was the Greeks who brought grapes, figs, olive trees and pomegranates to Sicily, among other culinary plants and of course they planted vineyards. Some say that even pasta may have originated in Greece but nobody knows for sure.

I did think of adding a poll to this post but then remembered that such ventures sometimes end in the resignation of Prime Ministers and the withdrawal of a country from a trading bloc so perhaps it is best to leave well alone. I would love to read your preferences in the comments, though.

Meanwhile it doesn't seem as if Gordon is going to eat humble pie so he might just have cooked his goose in Italy.


  1. Didn't pasta come from China?

  2. Hi, Sackerson. Probably, yes but theres also a case for it being Greek.

  3. I have never stayed in Greece only Cyprus,

    In all bar one of the places I dined the best cuisine I have ever experienced was in Taormina, but I am a bit biased, I love fish. The aranchini on top of a hill experience was also wonderful.

  4. Kritharaki come to my mind.
    I like Greek, Italian and Spanish cuisine.
    Who was the first? I do not care.
    As it is October 12, though:
    I am with Lichtenberg, who stated:
    The American who was the first to discover Columbus made a fatal discovery.

  5. Hi, Cherry. I would love to go to Cyprus.I've had good food virtually everywhere here! Hello, Sean. How lovely to hear from you.
