
Wednesday, May 20, 2015


My visit to Noto on Sunday would not have been complete without an ice cream and slice of cake in the Caffè Sicilia:

The cake is an old favorite of mine, flavoured with bergamotto and white pepper. [Believe me, it works!]  The ice cream flavours were citron, spice and orange salad and yes, there was just a hint of the onions that Sicilians add to this most refreshing of salads. Delicious!


  1. Oh yum! With your posts, the world is enjoying this marvelous cuisine.

  2. A hint of cipolle rosse di Tropea, I suppose?
    Sounds interesting, anyway, Lady Limoncello.

  3. I love the very baroque city of Noto, its been a while, time to return.

  4. I am sure they ere both delicious Pat . Now you must be coming into your Gelato season 😊 x take care x

  5. I hope so, Rosaria. Hi, WW. I don't think the Caffè Sicilia gives away its recipes! Hi, Sean. I've only ever seen Sicilians use white onions in orange salad but the Tropea reds are special, it is true. Hi, Anne. Have you ever been to the Infiorata? Hi, the other Anne! Yes, gelato season in full swing now. x

  6. I've been off air for a few days and am still catching up. I was unable to connect to the internet for three days. My computer fellow came and fixed up what needed fixing and I am now back in the land of the living.

  7. Glad you're back with us, Lee!
