
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I've been to many Sicilian festivals and in my opinion the Infiorata [carpet of flowers] in Noto is the best organised and has a lovely atmosphere, not least because there are plenty of green spaces in which to sit.  When you've finished looking at the Infiorata in via Nicolaci, you can watch the effect of sunlight on the city's Baroque buildings and dream away!

People form an orderly queue [which is a novelty in itself for Sicily] to walk up either side of via Nicolaci to see the tableaux of flowers in the middle so you end up taking photos from awkward angles but I hope I have succeeded in giving you a flavour of the beautiful display below. This year's theme was Catalonia and there was some very jolly Catalan dancing going on in front of the Cathedral all afternoon. Those who had the energy - not me - were invited to join in.

Now, won't you wander along via Nicolaci with me?

You're looking down most of the time as you walk up the street, but you mustn't forget that there are some interesting balconies to see:

My favourite representation was simply called "A rose and a book". I've looked up the significance of this and have discovered that, on St George's Day in Catalonia, the men traditionally give their lady friends a rose and the ladies give the gallant gentlemen a book.

I liked the way pulses were used to complete some of the tableaux [top left]:

Thank you, Noto, for a great day.


  1. Stunning! When I last visited Noto, about 15 years ago, every church was "chiusa".

  2. What time of year was that, WW?

  3. Wonderfull, greeting from Belgium.

  4. Thank you, Retriever. All the best from Sicily.

  5. Thank you Pat for taking us on this wonderful trip , what an amazing sight. Made me laugh - queuing :-) I have seen it in a church in Italy as we had to walk around a church with raised glass flooring . Anyway deviated a bit there. Well done to Noto . xo

  6. Hi, Anne. I'm glad you enjoyed it. x
