
Friday, February 06, 2015


It is no secret that the last four weeks have been among the worst in my life but yesterday evening along came a rescue dog called Bertie-Pierre and it is no exaggeration to say that he is rescuing me. Here he is!

It didn't take him long to discover the joys of the sofa

and now he has his first toy:

This morning we made a start on his wardrobe:

I have named him Bertie-Pierre after Bertie in the Alexander McCall Smith 44 Scotland Street novels. It is the name Bertie's French friends give him when he runs away to France.

My little Simi will always be in my heart and I am sure it is with her blessing that Bertie-Pierre has come to me.


  1. Dear Pat , this is wonderful. I know Simi will always be in your heart. Bertie-Pierre came along for a reason , as you say to rescue you!! A true blessing. xo

    Ps Thank you for you lovely comments on my blog, I must get round to answering them ..

  2. How lovely! He must be so happy to be out of kennels.

  3. Yes, in honor of Simi you rescued Bertie! You would never have rescued Bertie if you didn't have so many wonderful memories of life with Simi. I'm sure Simi is very pleased.

  4. I had wondered if Bertie was a rescue dog. I figured as much and told Tala this morning that there was another lucky dog, way over in Sicily, that was now getting tons and tons of love. Dogs surely bring out the best in us.

    I'm so glad you have Bertie P and he is certainly lucky to have you.

    Here's to the wonderful adventures you are about to have with him.

    Lots of love, Bev and Tala

  5. As I commented on your FB, Pat...I'm so happy for you. It's the best thing you could've done. You'll never forget Simi, but you needed to heal your broken heart, your sorrow. And I think Simi just might have chosen Bertie-Pierre to be the one to do that for you. He's a very lucky little dog. And I'm sure you're both going to have so many wonderful times together. Cuddles to Bertie...Remy and Shama say welcome to the fold. :)

  6. Simi will always be in your heart. But, you are rescuing Bertie, and he is rescuing you! And, this is just wonderful.

  7. Happy adventures ahead!

  8. OMG she is just so adorable! Looks like she is loving her new life and new mummmy! So pleased for both of you that you both have found love again.

    NOW Simi can rest easy knowing that she sent her little friend to watch over you for her.

    We;come Bertie-Pierre, you have got some pretty big paws to fill but we all look forward to hearing more of you.

  9. Thanks, Anne. Yes, a rescue dog in every sense! xx Thank you, Laruchka. She is very happy.x Thank you, Betty. I hope she is. x Thanlk you, Bev and Tala too. xx Many thanks, Lee and love to Remy and Shama too. xxx Penfield Fanclub, thank you so much for your good wishes. x Thank you, Rosaria and Nerys, xx Thank you, Uber, from both of us. xx

  10. I am sure Simi is looking down on you both and telling Bertie to look after you :-)

  11. What a sweetie he is! And how lovely of you to rescue him! So pleased for you both :-)

  12. I'm sure she is, Cherie. Thank you, Anneka.
