
Tuesday, June 05, 2012


"Always look up in Sicily" was advice I received from my friend Irma during my very first visit to Sicily almost twenty years ago and indeed, she was right for otherwise I would have missed sights such as this one in Modica:

I was reminded of Irma's words last week in Catania, where, sitting on the terrace of the Caffè Europeo on via Etnea, I happened to look up and saw this sign on the wall:

"If you say a Hail Mary to this picture", it reads, "you will receive an indulgence of 200 days."

At first I couldn't see a picture, only the fresh flowers behind the grille below the sign, but as I looked more closely I realised that there was a Madonna in the background.

I have no idea who painted this picture or how old it is.   I've sat on that terrace many times but hadn't seen the sign before because I was not looking up and had missed the picture because my view had always previously been obscured by other customers sitting at the table immediately in front of it.

Anyway, I said the prayer because I need all the help I can get.


  1. Lovely unexpected images. I am a great believer in looking up, in general! So much is there, if we just raise our eyes....

  2. I think that is good advice for LIFE. Sometimes I spend more time looking down...for cracks in the sidewalk!...missing all the wonderful sights around me. And...we can all use prayers!

  3. Who determined the 200 days?

  4. I agree with you both, Jenny and Patricia. No idea, James.
