
Monday, June 04, 2012


What a fantastic spread we enjoyed at Chiara's house yesterday, in celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee:

Quiche, sandwiches with Branston Pickle and delicious sausage rolls

There were other traditional condiments too.

There had to be jam tarts

and a traditional, British fruitcake!

Some beautiful Jubilee cupcakes and some
very special biscuits

Raspberries are difficult to find here so it was
lovely to see them on this sumptuous raspberry cheesecake
- and to taste them again!

I made strawberry tiramisù and I can tell you it's quite difficult to make
a diamond shape out of sugared silver balls!

I also made "Corgi cake" mark 2.

And what Sicilian feast would be complete without
lots of yummy ice cream?

Later, out on Chiara's terrace, there were fine renderings of God Save the Queen,  Sosban Fach [by yours truly and a little less fine] Auld Lang Syne, O Canada, Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory.  

How do I reconcile all this with my Republican sentiments? Easily:  as I explain to my Sicilian friends, I might be against the monarchy as an institution but I have nothing against parties!


  1. This is indeed wonderful. I'm struck with admiration for the Corgi cake. And I recognise those Fortnum and Mason biscuits. So glad you had a lovely party in honour of the Jubilee!

  2. Everything looks wonderful and pays tribute to your roots. Nice that we can actually remember back to the coronation...witnesses to history.

  3. Ah, the celebration goes on all across the world! What exactly is a Corgi cake?

  4. Well, I'm sure glad you have nothing against parties and it looks like it was a fine spread put out, most likely, in your honour, rather than the Queen's. I enjoyed watching the flotilla and I'll be watching our CBC news and the BBC Canada news to see further coverage.

  5. What a delicious looking celebration you had!! Did you war a hat?? ;-)


  6. I'm so glad you've not abandoned your WElshness or republicanism!

    I recognised the corgi in the first photo! WEll done. all looks lovely.

  7. It's a wonder you could move after that! Looks delish.

  8. Thanks, Patricia. Yes, I still have my Coronation crown coin. Hi, Rosaria. It's a torta paradiso but you could do it with any cake with a flattish surface. I decorated it in the shape of a corgi using coloured icing sugars. Glad you're enjoying it all, Leslie. Hi, Constance. Not a hat but I did use red, white and blue flower hair decorations. Thanks,Liz. Welshness and republicanism are safe with me! Thanks, James.

  9. O wow, that's a spread and a half!!
