
Saturday, June 30, 2012


As you can imagine, there's only one topic of conversation in Italy today and it's not the monetary kind of "Euro"!  We are all holding our breath as Italy prepares to face Spain in tomorrow night's Euro 2012 football final so I think something patriotic is called for this week:

Paolo Fresu - L'Inno di Mameli

Thanks to my friend Nellina Laganà for drawing my attention to this version on twitter!


  1. The game views at 11:30 am in California and we have it all set up to record on the DVR incase errands call us out of the house. Viva Italia!!

  2. Good luck to Italy! I would feel patriotic myself if that bunch of Catalan players were waving the Catalan flag instead of Spain's. I will be reading some book by Italo Calvino this evening.

  3. Hope you enjoy it, Patricia. Hi, Josep. Which Calvino book will you be reading? He's a favourite of mine.

  4. I re-read Il barone rampante. Could you please recommend me the next one by Calvino? I was thinking of buying The invisible cities. Thanks!

  5. Hi again, Josep. Have you read "Il Visconte Dimezzato"? It was the first one I read, at university. I also like "The Invisible Cities" and "Palomar" very much.

  6. I also enjoyed reading Invisible Cities and Castle of Cross Destiny or some such title..

  7. Hello again, "nothing here". Yes, that's the correct title. I liked that one too.

  8. Il Visconte Dimezzato was my first one too! I'll buy Palomar, which I didn't know, along with The Invisible Cities. Next one, Castle of Cross Destiny.

  9. Happy reading, Josep! I'll be interested to know what you think of them.
