
Wednesday, February 08, 2012


As Italy freezes and evening temperatures plunge even in Sicily, a comforting stew is called for.   I hesitate to mention veal at times, but it is more popular than beef in Italy and that is that. This recipe is based on the Spezzatino di vitello con verdure in Il Cucchiaio d'Argento but as usual, I've added a few of my own touches:

Heat 2 tablesp olive oil with 50 gr butter in a wide pan and soften 1 large, chopped white onion in it. Flour 1 kg cubed veal - in Italy the butchers cut it specially for spezzatino - and add the pieces to the pan.  Brown them on all sides, stirring. Add the contents of a 680 gr bottle of passata or the same amount of homemade tomato sauce and season. Stir well and after five minutes or so, add 100 gr carrots cut into thin sticks. Cook for 15 mins more and then add 250 gr mixed mushrooms, 2 sliced ordinary or what I call "hairy courgettes" [zucchine verdi] - the hairy courgettes taste just the same but will give you bigger slices and, of course, you have to peel them!  Cover the pan and cook for about an hour, checking and stirring occasionally. Add a little water if the stew seems too dry.  


  1. just what i needed today to warm me up after a 6 mile walk, i came home with face freeze :-)x

  2. Need a razor Welshcakes:)

  3. Love the new header. A warming recipe to get us through this freezing weather and no end in sight yet!

  4. It looks really tasty!

  5. I don't fancy the sound of "hairy courgettes"!

  6. Glad you like the header, LindyLouMac. Hope it warms up for you soon! Thanks, Josep. Hi, Ellee. When I first saw them, a few years ago now, I couldn't believe they would taste just like ordinary courgettes but they do!

  7. Hi, Sally. You went walking in that cold? You are brave! Very good, Angus.
