
Sunday, October 30, 2011


I was minding my own business, walking my dog this morning when I realised that an elderly lady was walking a few paces behind me.  I say "elderly" but she probably wasn't much older than me!  She was dressed totally in black and was heavily wrapped up against the temperature, which has had the audacity to fall below 23 C.  

Simi the dog was doing nothing except sniffing at doggie smells along the way but the elderly lady seemed reluctant to pass us.  At one point she just stopped walking and, as she looked a little afraid - I am at a loss to understand how anyone could be afraid of Simi - I told her that the dog was quite safe.  To this she replied with the question,

"You two are walking, right?"

"Yes", said I.

"Well, you're walking in front and I'm walking behind."

I couldn't argue with that, so I just shrugged a shoulder, raised one hand, palm upward, and uttered , "Eh".  And the signora just shrugged a shoulder,  raised one hand, palm upward, and uttered "Eh"  back.


  1. The gesture said it all!

  2. I've used a similar explanation to that used by the signora but not the gesture. The eh makes it!

  3. Hi, Miss F. Yes, "Eh" indeed! It sure did, Rosaria. Hi, jams. I'm just imagining you doing it.

  4. I thought "Eh!" was a Canadian way of speaking. We get teased by our American neighbours about this. Glad it spread to Sicily. If I saw you walking with Simi on the road, I would ask, "May I join you?" Why miss great company? Eh!

  5. Perhaps she was enjoying the company...

  6. Hi, Claude. I didn't know you said it over there. Simi and I would love to have a walk with you! Like your new pic, by the way. She didn't look as if she was, Cherie!

  7. Thanks, Welshcakes. The new pic is with grandson Ethan who just visited Toronto. He lives in Manitoba. I don't see him, in person, often enough. But thanks to Facebook, I can follow all his activities, in photos and on videos. The Internet is a great gift for long distance family and friends. Look at all of us, here, sharing your pleasant Sunday. Fun, eh?
