
Saturday, October 29, 2011


I am dedicating this week's song to the people of lovely Liguria, in particular the Cinque Terre, where floods and mudslides which hit on Tuesday have caused scenes of terrible devastation.  Vernazza and Monterosso were particularly badly affected, to the extent that the Mayor of Monterosso said that the town had been virtually swept away.  Estimates carried out today put the cost of damage there at €30 million. 

A non-stop search for missing people is in progress as I write and the body of a woman has been found in Borghetto di Vara this afternoon, bringing the total of dead to eight.  Five people are still missing.  

Vernazza is at the moment reachable only by sea and train whilst several other townships in the Val di Vara are still isolated.   Gas, water, electricity and telephone services over the entire region have been affected.

Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman  - Canto della Terra

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