
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Italy, according to figures released by the small business association Confartigianato, has the highest youth unemployment rate in Europe with 1,138,000 unemployed under the age of 25.  Of these, young adults under the age of 24 are the worst affected, with 29.6% being unemployed as compared with a European average of 21%.

Sicily is the largest and worst affected of the Italian regions, with 28% of adults under 35 being unemployed.  This compares with a national average of 15.9%. In Southern Italy as a whole 538,000 young people are unemployed. The rate in Campania is 27.6%, in Basilicata it is 26.7% and the rate in Sardinia is 25.2%.  Things are very different in the North, the rate in Trentino-Alto Adige being 5.7% and that in Lombardy being 9.3%.  The rate in the country's smallest region, the Valle d'Aosta, is 7.8%.

I feel sorry for young people in Sicily, who, as I've written  here, do not go around burning the businesses of people who might one day have employed them, loot shops or terrorise the good citizens of their cities.

The unemployment rate for adults in Italy is 23.2%.


  1. Twas ever thus. What's the net emigration like these days?

  2. Not sure what the figure for emigration is, WW but a lot of young people from Sicily go North if they can.

  3. It does make you wonder what it is which makes one nation's youth behave in one way and another in so different a manner.

  4. Hi, Daydreamer. Yes, it does indeed.

  5. Unemployment in youth... with 2 sons unemployed i know all about the stress that brings :-(

  6. Hi, Sally. That must be very stressful, for you and for your boys. I hope they find jobs that they like soon. xx

  7. Of that large percentage of unemployed 'youth', could it be the loss of gainful employment being given to unwanted immigrants the EU and the Court of Human Right forces its nations to accept? Why pay higher wages when you have cheap labor. We have the same problem in the USA..
