
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


What you need at the end of a day so hot that even the Sicilians have been grumbling is a cool garden to sit in, cool food and a gathering of the coolest people you know.  All three were on offer at Linda and Gino' s on Sunday evening and what a spread Linda and Chiara had prepared!

There was Parma ham with local cheeses and bocconcini of mozzarella. There were homemade bread rolls plus Linda and Chiara's pizza and focaccia. There were grilled aubergines, little baked, stuffed onions and tomatoes, olives and tiny broad beans from Linda and Gino's garden.  There was also a wonderfully refreshing salad of homegrown lettuce, local cheese and walnuts. Forgive me if I've left anything out, Linda and Chiara!

There were figs from the garden:

In Sicily, it is the custom to take along a dessert when you are invited to lunch or supper so I made my semifreddo di frutti di bosco again:

Linda and Chiara had made peach granita:

Ragusa's best Yorkshire cook, Jean, had made a Bakewell Tart.  [Yes, I do know Bakewell is in Derbyshire!]

And, as you can never have enough ice cream in Sicily, other friends had brought these delights along:

Then there was Modican chocolate:

Grazie, Linda, Chiara e Gino e tutti gli amici!

Frank Sinatra - In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening


  1. It all looks wonderful! Especially those figs!!

  2. The heat came late this year, at least here in Catalonia, but it came! The first dishes are like the ones I am used to, and starting from the semifreddo everything looks exotic and, no doubt, irresistible.

  3. Thanks, Jan. Hi, Josep. You must come and try some of those dishes!

  4. It sounds like a perfect occasion.

  5. Very tasty Welshcakes, bloody cold, damp and dismal back here in blighty:)

  6. I just love long hot summer evenings like this one.

  7. Yes, it was, Cherie. Send us some of the cold, please, Angus - just a bit!
    Yes, they are lovely, LindyLouMac.

  8. All this food and wonderful entertainment! What a lovely life.

  9. Hi,Liz. Yes, but it is not without its problems.
