
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It was the 15th August and there were no bars open where one might have enjoyed a gelato in the sun, so what was a girl to do?  Make a semifreddo, that's what and I decided to see what I could do with ingredients I had in stock:  I've always got some panna da montare [the equivalent of whipping or double cream] in the fridge ready for just such an emergency and I've usually got a packet of forest fruits in the freezer for making quick desserts.  Savoiardi [lady's finger] biscuits were in the cupboard so I was ready to go!  Oh, I almost forgot - here was a chance to use some of that strawberry and vanilla cream liqueur I bought at the strawberry festival.  [You could use Framboise, Cassis, Maraschino or Kirsch.] Here's what I did:

First thaw a 450 gr packet of forest fruits and reserve the juice plus a few berries for decoration.  Put 6 savoiardi biscuits in a freezer bag, put a clip on the top of the bag and give them a good bashing with a rolling pin.  This is immensely satisfying to do, particularly if you are angry with someone!  Whip 500 ml panna da montare, whipping or double cream to stiff peaks and add 50 ml sugar, a goodly drop of your chosen liqueur, the crushed savoiardi and the fruits.  Mix very well. Line a long 2lb loaf tin with cling film and spoon the mixture in, levelling the top [which will become the base] with a palette knife. Wrap the tin in more cling film and then in foil and freeze for at least 5 hours but preferably overnight.  Add a dollop of liqueur to the juice with the grated zest and juice of a lemon and chill  until ready to serve.  Turn out the semifreddo - it will come out easily - decorate it with the reserved fruits and some mint leaves if you like, slice it and serve with the juice.

Buon appetito.


  1. Sounds yummy - minus the alcohol!

  2. This sounds lovely for a climate like yours, here it is wet and grey and mugs of hot chocolate are the order of today!The common refrain "where is the summer?" can be heard all around.

  3. Fabulous - looks like nougat

  4. You could always put some of the juice in the mixture, Liz. Hi, cuby poet. Here we are all waiting for the weather to break - just once! Thanks, WW.

  5. Glad for this recipe. This is a case of "when it rains, it pours" because I am going tomorrow to learn how to make tiramisu, another recipe that doesn't need me to turn on the oven!!

  6. Hi, Bev. Yes, I love that kind of recipe too!
