
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


In a few hours' time it will be la notte di San Lorenzo and I'll be out on the balcony with my nose in the air, looking for falling stars.  Here, for you, dear readers, is a selection of my favourite "star" songs and may all your wishes come true tonight:

Cristiano De André - La Notte di San Lorenzo

Mireille Mathieu - La Première Etoile

Maureen Evans - Starlight, Starbright [because I had to include a Welshwoman!]

The song that must have been written for tonight:  Perry Como - Catch a Falling Star

The most romantic Italian song ever:  The Three Tenors - Ti voglio tanto bene

And, for all you kids [like me] out there:   Stella, stellina

Buon divertimento e buona notte di San Lorenzo!


  1. Mireille has appeared a few times at my place. Very nice indeed.

  2. They say the crescent moon will hinder visibility but who cares, I'll try to watch too. Buona notte!

  3. I'm with Josep but for the sake of tradition, I'll be out there until my neck starts to strain.

  4. So will I, did you see my post? I am also carrying the theme on and doing a themed Sunday Song post this week. At least one of my song choices is the same as yours. I will listen to these later as I search the skies. X

  5. I hope you caught a falling star tonight! Lovely songs

  6. Hi, James. Yes, I remember that you like her. Hope you saw some, Josep. You too, Rowena. Hi, LindyLouMac. yes, I did and I left a comment - or thought I did. Hope you saw some, too. That's nice to hear, Metal Man. Hi, Pat. Glad you liked them. I am hourly expecting them to, WW.
