
Friday, July 08, 2011


Some very unhappy passengers who disembarked from the Rome - Palermo express today may take Trenitalia to court for "illegal confinement of the person", reports La Sicilia Online.

When the train entered the ferry for the jourmey across the Strait of Messina, passengers in one carriage found that they could not open the doors.  They therefore had to remain shut in the carriage for the entire crossing:  it was dark, the air conditioning had stopped working, there was no signal for them to make mobile phone calls and the temperature had reached 40 C.

The doors connecting the affected carriage to others in the train had also somehow self-locked and a doctor travelling in it pointed out that, earlier in the trip, he had had to go to another carriage to help a passenger who had had a heart attack. What, he asked, would have happened if the doors had been blocked then?

I'll bet those passengers needed their iced tea with granita upon arrival in Palermo!


  1. That heat doesn't bear thinking about!

  2. Jesus. The rail company should be hung out to dry for that. I daresay they will claim the News of the World was responsible...

  3. Yes, it must have been awful, Cherie. They probably will, jams!
