
Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Giorgio, last summer's gecko

Yes, another summer and another gecko!  Giacomo, who I think must be the grandson of Giorgio, has taken up residence indoors and he is driving both Simi and me crazy!  He seems to be living behind the bathroom door - at least, that is where Simi lies in wait for him - but he eludes the camera and us.

Until a year ago Giorgio and one or two of his ancestors lived quietly in the gas metre cupboard on the balcony when they were not prancing and dancing among the plants but last summer Giorgio decided to come out - or in, to be accurate.  I can only assume that we have gay geckos or that they are all as disgusted as we are by Italian gas prices!

Of all the apartments in all the towns in all the world, he leapt into mine and of all the geckos in all the world I had to get one with learning difficulties;   for Giacomo, like his grandad before him, is deaf to my pleas for him to go and complete his gecko education among the geraniums.  If any of you have any tips on cajoling geckos, I'd be glad to receive them!


  1. Oh not again Pat, love the way you have written it up for us though.

  2. They are harbingers of good fortune, P. Or else, they are cajoling you to buy insurance. (As the American Gheico commercial.)

  3. Worth a try, Ww. Hi, LindyLouMac. Yes, again! Going insane... I'll try and bear that in mind, Rosaria.

  4. Rather you than me for that companion...

  5. Oh NO!! Are Gheico's big? Tell Simi to keep watch and protect her mère!


  6. I have always heard that Gecko's bring good how was last summer????

  7. This is a big gecko! I'm surprised your Simi has chased him away. Maybe a humane cage trap will help and you can release him far away?

  8. I won't tell you what I did with an espadrille to get rid of the last gecko (but it worked).

  9. oh yuck, I hate those things inside the house! They do say they eat mosquitos, though...look on the bright side! :-)

  10. Hi, Cherie. Yes, I find his presence really creepy. She's doing her best, Constance! These fellows are quite big, yes. Hi, Patricia. No, I didn't have a very good summer last year. Hi, Pat. I don't like traps of any sort and I don't think this gecko would go in one. I won't even try to imagine that, Josep! I'm trying, Saretta....

  11. I bet Simi would love to catch a gecko in her nose!

    I used to have pet geckos in India; how the hell they run up walls without falling off I have no idea

  12. Hi, Gleds. I'm sure she would. I didn't know you'd been in India - have you ever blogged about it?
