
Wednesday, July 06, 2011


I don't have many photos of Mario, my first Italian boyfriend from 1969.  Several of them were spoiled, you see, by the developers and, for those of you too young to remember the pre-digital era, I'll explain:  we used to take our photo film to the chemist's to be developed and not often, but sometimes, the chemist would make a mistake and ruin some or all of the exposures.  Then you'd get an apology and a free, new roll of film but of course, they couldn't give you the occasion back.

The other day, however, I found a picture of Mario and me standing together as we bade a tearful farewell at Malpensa Airport [Milan] and I decided to see what I could do with the photo editor.  It is a strange thing indeed to see someone's features reappear before your eyes after 42 years and of course, they brought back with them memories of my days with this Romeo from Bergamo.

With Mario I ate my first watermelon, a fruit unheard of in Britain then, and it was so cool and refreshing that I thought I was in heaven.  When it was time for me to return home, I naively asked him if I could get a small one to show my Dad and he roared with laughter at my stupidity.  

But now, caro Mario, my pazienza is rewarded for this year Sicily brings us the mini-anguria!

"Everything comes to those who wait."


  1. What a beautiful story. Now, do share those old pictures, please?

  2. What a sweet story!

  3. Hi, Rosaria. I'm not sure if I can do that under Italian privacy laws. Thanks, Natalie.

  4. Aw c'mon, I bet you could get away with one little picture!

  5. Great reminisces Pat.

  6. If you can't have your photograph, it's nice that a fresh watermelon can bring back a nice memory~~

    Thank you and Simi, Pat for your kind wishes for Marshall. He did very well and we are all hopeful for his total recovery!


    YES!! Everything DOES come to those who wait!!

  7. Not so sure, Saretta. Thanks, LindyLouMac. Hi, Constance. I am so glad to hear the news about Marshall. Thank you for telling me. xx
