
Monday, March 28, 2011


Yes, I was lucky enough to be invited to yet another feast on Saturday, this time a gathering of friends at the Cava d'Ispica.

The Sicilian countryside has a beauty all of its own

despite the cables:

Can you spot the wild asparagus?

I hope this poppy wasn't feeling too lonely:

I'm glad this mill wheel has been preserved:

And now to the food!

There were home-cured olives and sun-dried tomatoes

and perfect homemade pane consato

flavoured with olive oil and origano:


There were freshly picked grapefruit, oranges and cedri, the latter best eaten just as they are, with seasalt:

There was asparagus risotto

and spaghetti al limone:

Meanwhile, a fine fire was blazing

helped by these:

Soon it was time to add these

and, a little later, to eat them

with simply cooked, delicious chicken:

Then there was cheesecake

and sponge cake

and I took along some rather imperfectly formed Welshcakes:

But the star turn was undoubtedly this tray of perfectly formed, mini cassate siciliane.  It is, after all, nearly Easter!

Grazie per la festa, amici.


  1. That looks and sounds like a great day out :-)

  2. I'll start with the cassata. I haven't had these in ages.

  3. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing it with us, I can almost taste the grapefruit.

  4. Le gioie della primavera!

  5. A poppy and wild asparagus already, then another delicious meal, lucky you.

  6. Everything looked great. I was longing especially for the pane consato and mini cassate! I'm afraid that Memphis is, for some reason, a bread desert. We have no really good large bakeries. There are a handful of small ones but their product is limited (or not so great)and you have to drive miles to get to them.

  7. It was, Cherie. Sending some right over, Rosaria! Hi, Jan Pag. The grapefruit was so sweet - it was fantastic. E vero, WW. Hi, LindyLouMac. Yes, I am very lucky. Hi, Michelle. I'm surprised to learn that because I always imagine you can get every kind of food in any town over there!

  8. it's almost eleven at night here and after looking at those great photos, Instead of getting ready for bed, I've gotten hungry.

  9. Another fabulous feast with great friends .. you are really lucky :-) and it all looks soo tasty :-) ..

    I went to an Italian restaurant for dinner last night , to celebrate a friends birthday .. not quite like your feast but it was tasty ♥

  10. Hi, Anne. I bet you had a great time!
