
Tuesday, March 29, 2011


All the world and his wife, it seems, flock to Modica Bassa on the last Sunday morning of the month for the open air antiques market and, on a sunny day, strolling from stall to stall is a pleasant way to pass the time.  Here you can find everything from a vintage Vespa to furniture to stamps.  Had I but space enough and dosh, reader, I might have returned with a dresser, a settle and an enormous statue of San Giorgio.


  1. There's nothing like browsing markets like those. I shudder to think what I would buy with greater funding!

  2. What a fun way to spend a Sunday. But, just how much room do you have in your home? You can only bring home so much!!!

  3. I never could resist those places. Simply love old jewels, dishes, silverware....what have you and not....I actually had an eye for useful, beautiful tid-bits. Stopped just 4-5 years ago when too much became too much. Nice to see you have same type of markets in Sicily.

  4. Any interesting jewellery?

  5. I always find such markets absolutely fascinating.

  6. It's a wonder you have any room to move about, Welshcakes.

  7. Hi, jams. I'd buy the whole place! Hi, Carmen. That's just it - I don't have the space and that's just as well as I don't have the money either! Hi, Claude. I love looking at these objects too, although I find it sad in a way. I wish I was the kind of person who could do things up without spoiling them. Hi, WW. Yes, there was quite a lot. Hi, LindyLouMac. Yes, I could spend all day in them. Hi, James. If I had the money to buy the stuff, it would be impossible here!
