Tuesday, March 01, 2011


I love where I am but today I am thinking of that other lovely land that, for better or worse, made, nurtured and taught me. Its rolling green hills, defiant castles, the lilting voices of its people and most of all, its music, will always be in my heart.

For Welsh people everywhere, for all who wish they were Welsh and for all with a song in their heart:



LindyLouMac said...

Happy St David's day to you as well, we always remember this day as my husband is called David.

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh yes! Happy St. David's Day!Homeland will live deep in your heart no matter how far you go.

Dragonstar said...

A Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus i chi hefyd!

Now I have a severe attack of hiraeth.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Happy St David's Day .. I hope you celebrated with your Sicilian friends :-) xox

Whispering Walls said...

Many daffodils for you, WL!

James Higham said...

Its rolling green hills

In Cardiff?

Happy Welsh Day!

Claude said...

Beautiful music. Wishing you for Happy St David's Day every year of your life. En toute amitié!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thank you, LindyLouMac. -I hope your husband enjoys his saint's day. Diolch, Nerys. Same to you. You are so right, Rosaria. Hi, Dragonstar. I always get the "hiraeth" on this day. Hi, Anne. I celebrated with my students! Many thanks, WW. Hi, James. Well, not far from there! Thank you. Je t'en remercie, Claude. Amitiés.

Saretta said...

Happy holiday! :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, Saretta.


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