
Monday, December 20, 2010


Some of you have been waiting to see how the pretty pasta I found the other week turned out.  Well, here is the finished dish of lasagne and I have to say it was delicious.  I made a pork ragù as I thought a beef one would be too strong a flavour and when the dish was cooked I thought I could just catch the aroma of, but not taste, the cocoa used for the brown stripes in the lasagne sheets.  The stripes became more evident as I cut the pasta into portions.  Oh, and the secret of crispy lasagne is to dot butter over the top:


  1. looks fab and fun :-)

    wishing you a very happy Christmas x x

  2. O wow I've never seen pasta like that before. They don't do it in Sainsbury's.

    Do you know Lidl used to do quite a nice lasagne. It was from the fresh counter rather than the frozen section. I used to cook it all, then keep it in the oven and eat it a slice at a time with tomatoes. Anyway then I found out the "so-and-sos" had put PORK in it. So I'm never buying it again. Swineflesh in my food! No way!!

  3. Looks great! Merry Christmas!

  4. Thanks, Sally and a very Merry Xmas to you. xx Thank you, Bill. Hi, Gleds. No, I didn't know that! Thanks, WW and Rosaria. Merry Xmas to you both.
