
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


You cannot pass the Italian homemaker test unless you have a centrino, which is a table runner that you put on your dining table when it is not in use - which is nearly all the time in many households as most Italians eat in the kitchen while the beautifully polished dining table stands in the hardly used, perfect lounge for "show".  On your centrino, you put the heaviest, most expensive and most beautiful piece of porcelain you have.

I have several centrini but no expensive porcelain and I was cheered by the bright, Christmas centrini on sale for three euros or so at Catania market two weeks ago.

Yes, I know mine has a crease in it and no, I don't intend to go in for that other Italian homemaker test by ironing it!


  1. I have a Christmas table runner that i made :-) Its in Cambridge so cannot take a pic of it yet but will show you it another time :-)

  2. Oh my, I remember those runners, and the entire idea of always presenting the house in a beautiful way. Fortunately, it is not an inhereted trait.

    I do admire anyone who adopts local customs.

    Buon Natale. Aren't you glad you are not heading to Heathrow now?

  3. Hi, Sally. I'm sure it's lovely and I look forward to seeing it. Thanks, Cherie. Hi, Rosaria. Glad you don't have that trait either! Yes, a nightmare travelling this Xmas. A lot of people have been delayed getting home to Sicily from the mainland, too.

  4. Can't you ask your cleaner to iron it?

  5. I like your centrino. It looks handmade. Nice for Christmas to cheer up the dining table, used or not for eating.

  6. To nice to hear of this tradition and nice that you finally have your very own centrini Welshcakes!
    Merry Christmas and hugs to you dear one!!!


  7. The porcelain will come.

  8. I think you are a wonderful Welsh homemaker.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, and let's hope next year brings you lots of good fortune and success worthy of your talents.

  9. I could, WW. I'm glad you like it, Miss Footloose. Hi, Constance. A very Merry Christmas to you, too. xx
    Just like the revolution, James! Thank you, Ellee. I really appreciate your kind words.

  10. My Christmas runner has several creases in it. One year - you'll be impressed - I did iron it but it kept its creases so I no longer bother.

  11. Hi, Liz. You're right - I'm impressed - and you've also given me a reason not to bother! Thanks. x
