
Saturday, November 06, 2010


Instead of posting a sabato musicale tonight, I would like to remember Jill Clayburgh, whose death was announced earlier today.   

Here she is in one of  Bernardo Bertolucci's most controversial films, La Luna:

And here she is in a happier film:

We will miss you, Jill.


  1. That's sad. I've always liked Jill Clayburgh. She always came across as "down to earth".

  2. I haven't seen either movie. I guess it's time for me to catch up with what I missed. Thanks for bringing them to our attention.

  3. I always like Jill Clayburgh and most recently saw her in a TV production called "Dirty Sexy Money" that only ran for I think 2 years. As you say, we will miss her.

  4. I am afraid I do not recall this actress at all :(

  5. I have just only now seen the notice in the New York Times! I was shocked, as I had no idea she had raged this 21 year (!) battle with cancer. I always enjoyed watching her.... Nice of you to pay tribute, well done.

  6. Hi, Lee. Yes, very sad. Hi, lakeviewer. The first is very interesting and the second is very funny. Hi, Leslie. I didn't know about the TV series. A pity, LindyLouMac. Hi, Lady M. I hadn't realised that she had battled with leukaemia for so long, either.

  7. She is certainly an old favourite. How sad.
