
Friday, November 05, 2010


Here is my pick of last week's Italy Magazine articles:

It was the week in which we discovered that the Milanese have the most extramarital affairs in Italy and Mr Berlusconi's love life came under the media spotlight once again as the term bunga bunga entered the Italian language.  The passing of Paul the psychic octopus - who was, of course, Italian and really called Paolo - was mourned and if the CEO of Fiat gets his way Italians will soon also be mourning a national icon.  It wasn't all gloom, however, with Christina Hendricks telling us that living in Italy made her both curvier and sexier whilst a young man from Cervia [Emilia-Romagna] was declared the world's best sommelier

Here is a Venetian festival that I would love to attend this month.  How about you?

For my Patti Chiari column, I had the pleasure of inteviewing my friend Giusy Asta, a Modican wedding planner with a difference.  Giusy's shop in Modica Bassa is one of my favourite places here.  Take a look at the article to understand why.

Happy reading.


  1. Thanks for the good reading!

  2. I imagine living in Italy, with all that gorgeous food, would make anyone a little curvier ;)

  3. Thanks, Lost. It certainly does, Rachel!

  4. Hello, Welshcakes Limoncello :-)

    I am flying round the blogosphere searching out Blogblast for peace globes...your blog came up in a search, and I see you have a 2009 Peaceglobe in your sidebar! :-)

    If you want to participate this year, Mimi's Mr Linky is still open for the weekend, and we 'worker bees' will continue to fly around picking up latecomers

    Wishing peace to you and yours x

  5. Thanks for the reminder, Annelisa.
