
Monday, October 18, 2010


Today bloggers in Italy are turning the blogosphere pink for the nastro rosa [pink ribbon] campaign against breast cancer.

Let us hope that, in encouraging awareness and supporting research, we can enable more women to live as long as my Italian heroine, Rita Levi-Montalcini:

Image: Wikipedia

During the month of October in Italy over 390 LILT [Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori] clinics will be open across the country for consultations and examinations.  To find out where your nearest LILT clinic is and the days and times of opening please call

numero verde SOS LILT: 800 - 998877

or visit the nastro rosa or LILT website.

You can find a full list of blogs participating in today's rivoluzione in rosa at the Mamma Felice site.


  1. Hello WL... Not just bloggers in Italy .. but also in UK and Canada .. I am on the list too numero 169 and so is Lucy. :-)

  2. It was impressive just how many blogs turned pink yesterday.

  3. Well remembered, and she looks a very distinguished lady too.

  4. Hi, LindylouMac. Yes, 426 when I last looked. She is, Ellee. Hai ragione, WW.

  5. Sorry Pat, I just saw this. I didn't know that you had joined in or I would have added you to the list on the email. Thank you for taking the time to post it.

  6. Thanks, Scintilla. It's OK - I added myself to Mamma Felice's list. Have a great weekend.

  7. It is wonderful that women are united, worldwide, in this battle against breast cancer.
