
Sunday, October 17, 2010


I invented this dish last night and have decided to call it "Militello Chicken" in honour of the mandarin honey I found in that town last week:

Marinate 8 or so chicken breast escalopes - an Italian butcher will cut these very thinly for you but in the UK you may have to pound them thin - in the juice of 2 clementines, 2 tablesp olive oil and a half teasp saffron powder [or the contents of 2 envelopes of saffron powder in Italy].

After about 2 hours, lift the escalopes out and let them dry a bit on kitchen paper. Heat 2 tablesp olive oil in a ridged griddle pan and cook the escalopes on both sides. [Stand well back as you put them in.] Lift them out onto a plate. They will be a nice, golden colour like this:

Make a dressing with 2 tablesp olive oil, 1 tablesp mandarin honey [or orange blossom honey or, failing this, ordinary honey with some orange juice] seasalt and black pepper. Toss the dressing with salad leaves to which you have added some clementine segments and serve with the chicken:

Buon appetito.


  1. That loos utterly delicious Welshcakes!

  2. Wow! A great combination.

  3. Now make sure you patent it.

  4. Delicious, I love chicken like this :-) yes your right, we do have to pound them in the UK .. we don't have many butchers left , well not in this area. Actually we have just had a new one open in our square, I am going to ask him to do this for me. Will let you know the answer:-)

  5. We eat a lot of chicken and salad so will definitely be trying this, thankyou for sharing it sounds and looks delicious.

  6. Hi, jams. Thank you. Glad you like it, lakeviewer. I might just do that, James! Thanks, Anne. Yes, do let me know if your butcher will do it. A butcher in Cardiff Market always used to pound chicken escalopes for me. Thanks, Liz. Do let me know how it goes if you try it, LindyLouMac. Hi, Amy. Thenks for your nice comments and I'll do my best to help. Where in Sicily are you travelling to?

  7. Think I;ll be making this next weekend - it's DH's work weekend -- so I can fuss in the kitchen in peace ... he prefers to be out and about if he is off work.

  8. Thanks for the reply :) Our trip starts from the 23rd for 10 days. We land in Catania, so for the first couple days, we will be there and also Mt. Etna. Then we haven't really figured out exactly whether to do clockwise or counter-clockwise through the island :P So any suggestions are welcomed!!! Normally, are there Christmas or New Year celebrations? Thanks again!!

  9. I'm sorry I deleted the first comment cause my boyfriend says it's really not a good idea to leave my personal email public. Or can I contact you through facebook? Thanks a lot!!!

  10. Your recipes are good enough for the Italian magazine you write for.

  11. Hi, Holly. Do let me know how it turns out. Hi, Amy. Yes, lots of celebrations and loads of food! Yes, facebook would be a good idea: Pat Eggleton. Very kind of you to say so, Ellee, but the mag has the wonderful Katia Amore.

  12. Mmmm! that looks and sounds delicious :-)
