
Friday, September 03, 2010


The weather has broken and there is thunder as I write.  It is, of course, Persephone and her mother ensuring that Sicily remains fertile. OK, she's supposed to come in the spring but I believe she comes in autumn as well.

I realised today that in one matter one I remain resolutely British and it is this:  I cannot adopt the Italian habit of just waiting for the rain to stop before venturing out, for I remain convinced that if it rains, it's going to rain all day. Thus out I "boldly go" and I was the only fool walking around at 12.30 pm when our magnificent drainage system caused a minor flood.  I swore at every driver in both Italian and English as I was mercilessly splashed on my way to the supermarket.  [I can never understand why drivers can't slow down in the rain in any country.  What do you all have against pedestrians who are having a harder battle than you with the rain?]

On to Raffaele's where the carpets have been put back on the floor.  It isn't cold but it is, after all, September and some of the bars are already clearing away their ice cream.

The first fichi d'India have appeared and soon they will be abundant, like this:

I miss that first chill in the air that you get in Britain and I miss autumn leaves.  But I love being able to open the windows and balcony doors all day even in December and January and I don't miss dangerous, icy pavements!

Andrea Bocelli - Les Feuilles Mortes


  1. Seems strange to hear you commenting about "autumn" in Sicily. When I was there the 2nd week of November '06, it was absolutely perfect - to me! lol

  2. I can understand how you are reacting to rain, the same way we do here in Oregon. We don't even own umbrellas. Rain or shine, we walk around with rain-slickers, just in case.

    Fichi d'India? I haven't had them for decades.

  3. Sicily always reminded me of Florida as far as the climate. I don't think there was ever a frost in winter although we sometimes bundled up...didn't we? It's been so long I'm trying to remember. I do remember going up on Mt. Etna in the summer and there was an ice storm up there. We rented winter coats at the ski lodge because we were dressed in summer clothes.

  4. Sorry I have not been here and commented recently, getting behind must be reading too many blogs. I always enjoy your posts in my reader though even if I do not always have a minute to comment.
    No sign of rain here yet but I suppose it will not be long . Have a good weekend.

  5. And did it stop raining later?

    I don't think I could live without a proper winter... if I were going to move to a different country, I'd look north...

  6. Of course you can't wait for the rain to stop before you go out! If you were in England and did that, you'f probably never leave the house. Isn't an umbrella still part of the well-dressed Englishman's attire? [:-)

  7. Simi, I hopez u dunt walkz outz in da wainz wiff ur silly Engwish lady. OK? Wainz be bery, bery nassy. I dunt likez wains. OK?

  8. Hi, Leslie. Yes, the rains usually come in September and then the sun comes back. Hi, lakeviewer. What's a rain-slicker? Hi, Betty. Oh, yes, it can get very cold in winter. I've seen frost once or twice, early in the morning. Don't worry, LindyLouMac. I appreciate the visits. I think we all have tropublee getting through our blogrolls sometimes!

  9. Hi, Racgel. Yes, it did. It is strange not having a "real" winter, but it has its advantages, especially as one gets older!

  10. Hi, Nick. You're right - you'd never go out in the UK if you waited for the rain to stop! Everybody carries brollies there.
    Simi says: "Hi, Alex. My mummy is very silly but don't worry. I drag her back in the rain! Love, Simi.x woof!"

  11. Simi, u be a berry goodz woofie doggie to getz ur mummy outz ob da nassy wainz! Aint hoomin beanz sillys? OK?

  12. I normally stay in until it stops raining , unless it is an essential trip...

    I swear at the drivers too, they are mostly very inconsiderate .. infuriates me ..

    I am not sure if I know what that "first chill" in the air is, especially as we don't have very good weather during the year ... we can have chills in the air throughout the year ...

  13. Simi says: "Hi, Alex, you are so right! What would human beings do without us to keep them in order? Love, Simi xx woof!"
    Hi, Anne. There is a first autumn chill you get in the air in Britain before it gets really cold. I lived there long enough to remember!

  14. It is very autumnal and chilly here today!

  15. Hi, Cherie. sometimes you forget what "chilly" feels like here!
