
Monday, August 23, 2010


Some of the despicable people traffickers who charge would-be illegal immigrants thousands of pounds for a journey to Italy have changed their tactics during the summer:  in attempts to trick the Coast Guard, they have been using yachts and other, luxurious-looking vessels to carry what I call their "boatloads of sorrow" rather than the small, inadequate craft of previous journeys.

On Thursday night a yacht carrying 51 men, 36 women and 35 children, of whom 10 were under the age of 2, stopped 50 metres from the shore between Riace and Camini in Reggio Calabria.  The "captain"  swam ashore, extended a rope and proceeded to transfer his passengers from the yacht on to Italian soil in a dinghy which he had hidden there. 

The passengers, who were Iraqi and Afghan Kurds,  had  paid €  3,000 - € 5,000 each for the voyage and have been transferred to a detention centre in Riace.


  1. I'm always sad when I hear stories like this. And however hard the authorities try to keep up, they'll always come up with new ways to hide :(

    PS I just noticed that you live in Modica. Seriously? That would be the home of my favourite chocolate in the WORLD (

  2. Oh no! I'm guessing there are a lot of illegal immigrants in Italy?

  3. I have an intense dislike for and anger at people traffickers...and at immigration laws that force people to use the traffickers.

  4. I feel sorry for them feeling they have to take such drastic measures to leave their country.

  5. Any trafficking in humans makes me just sick and horrified! I can only hope that the ride was just a little more comfortable for them on the yacht than in those horrible and dangerour vessels they usually use.

  6. The summer crossings sound infinitely better than the winter or do you think you pay for what you get?

  7. People traqffickers are some of the lowest forms of life. Just think of that incident where 56 Chinese died in the back of a lorry trying to get into the UK back in 2000

  8. Hi,Rachel. Yes, it is all very sad. Yes, I live in chocolate heaven!
    Hi, lakeviewer. Yes, there are thousannds and the system gets overwhelmed. Hi, Nick. Yes, they are scum. But no country can take everybody who wants to come. I believe the only answer is aid. Hi, Cherie. Yes, it is terrible. Hi, Saretta. Let's hope so. Hi, WW. I don't know as they pay nearly as much to come on dinghies in winter.Hi, jams. I agree and I remember that incident very well.
